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Song Parodies -> "Norwegian Blue"

Original Song Title:

"Norwegian Wood"

Original Performer:

The Beatles

Parody Song Title:

"Norwegian Blue"

Parody Written by:

Rick Cormier

The Lyrics

I have added a few verses and choruses to the OS in order to complete the story line. As does the OS, the parody alternates verse, chorus, verse, chorus etc.I have never been to England but, thanks to Google Earth, I was able to look in on Bolton and, I discovered there is a street called Knowsley in the center of it.
I once bought a bird at a pet shop, just off Knowsley
But it didn't sing nor, lift a wing, had ceased to be

I took it straight back to the owner, he said, "Don't despair."
"The Norwegian Blue sleeps a lot." "Note its feathers, so fair."

I yelled, "Polly, wake!" and gave a shake to his small cage
I said, "It's passed on." "No, it's just stunned." I felt enraged

He said, "It's just homesick, it pines for the fjords." and he laughed
I said, "No, it isn't, it's crawled off to sleep ever aft."

I said, "See the perch, that slab of birch its feet are nailed to?"
"This bird is deceased, it is at peace, what will you do?"

He told me to bring it to Bolton and, they'd make it square
After some confusion, I finally found my way there

It was the same shop, a false moustache was on his lip
I asked why he'd lied. "It was a pun." he quickly quipped

I told him it wasn't a pun, he said, "A palindrome."
"For Bolton, the palindrome's Notlob, it doesn't hit home."

He gave me a shrug, asked if I'd like to buy a slug
"No, I want a bird." "Slugs don't sing well, don't be absurd!"

At this point, a stiff major general said, "Alright, that's it!"
"It's getting too silly, I'm putting an end to this skit."

So, that's how it ends, there is no more, this tale is through
It was just a skit, a funny bit, Norwegian Blue
One of my favorites of all of Monty Python's brilliant works is, "The Dead Parrot Sketch". If you are not familiar with it, I urge you to somehow try to find it, you won't be disappointed.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 19

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   19

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Phil Alexander - September 15, 2005 - Report this comment
Why am I not surprised to find you like the Parrot Sketch, too? I'm impressed, as there ain't enough words in this one to make a good parody (unlike "It's Late" by Queen, which has plenty:
Phil Alexander - September 15, 2005 - Report this comment
PS.. Having just submitted a "How do you solve a problem like Maria" parody, it strikes me that "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition" scans pretty well for that...
Charlie Decker - September 15, 2005 - Report this comment
Good, another ex-parrot fan. Really top notch parody, Rick.
stuart mcarthur - September 15, 2005 - Report this comment
yes Rick, from another fan of Dead Parrot (in fact I used it in a parody last week) and the Pythons, this was a true tribute to their humour, down to the existential cop-out ending - I'm writing this before I've figured out the palindrome conundrum, so I'll head back to try to nut that out - 555
AFW - September 15, 2005 - Report this comment
Good story...funny write..fives
alvin rhodes - September 15, 2005 - Report this comment
wonderful adaption of one of MP's best bits.
Ravyn Rant - September 15, 2005 - Report this comment
Great job! I laughed until I stopped (this is an extremely obscure Python reference, let's see if anyone knows where it's from).
John Barry - September 15, 2005 - Report this comment
Love the skit; love the parody. 5s
Michael Pacholek - September 15, 2005 - Report this comment
Old joke: So this guy walks into a pet store. And he sees two lovebirds in a cage. They're both nodding their heads and wearing yarmulkes and prayer shawls. The storekeeper explains that the birds are Jewish. The customer asks if the birds are male or female. He's told they're both male. The customer says that he has two female lovebirds at home. He buys the male lovebirds, who keep nodding and praying in the car all the way home. He brings their cage into the house, and they see the two female lovebirds. The female lovebirds say, "Shalom, boys." And one of the male birds says, "Shlomo, our prayers have been answered!"
LucidLupin LeeBee - September 15, 2005 - Report this comment
no pining here 555 . . . maybe try the Lumberjack sketch to Hit the Road Jack now.... ;-)
Rick C - September 16, 2005 - Report this comment
Great job on the Queen parody, Phil. High fives. Yes, I love the Parrot Sketch among many others. Thanks Charlie, Stu, AFW, Ravyn Rant (don't recall where that quote is from though). Thank you Alvin, John, Michael and LucidLupin.
Jan - September 22, 2005 - Report this comment
Great sketch... great parody!
Wolverine - July 23, 2008 - Report this comment
Great Python parody. While looking for a Beatles song to do for AmIRight Idol, I saw the OS and had the same idea you did. So, back to the drawing board.

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