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Song Parodies -> "Rachel From Cardholder Services"

Original Song Title:

"Sounds of Silence"

Original Performer:

Simon & Garfunkel

Parody Song Title:

"Rachel From Cardholder Services"

Parody Written by:

Patrick McWilliams

The Lyrics

There are three major telephone scams going on in Kansas City right now. A Chinese-sounding fellow calls out of nowhere and offers to fix a computer virus. I can have some fun running him around my non-existent computer till I get bored. Then, there is the Russian dude who claims he can release to me a $9000 government grant if I will first purchase a pre-loaded debit card for $100 and give him the number. I told him it was a fake. He cursed me "in the name of Jesus" and told me I would die in a car accident the next day. Not only didn't I die, but he called me back to ask if I had purchased the debit card yet. But, the worst, and most persistent is "Rachel (sometimes, Carmen) from Cardholder Services", who calls at the most inopportune moments to tell me she can lower my credit card interest rates. Usually, when I ask a question, she or her flunky just hangs up. Sometimes, the phone will ring, I'll answer "Hello", and the recording will say "Good-Bye" and hang up. Very irritating. The phone company says I should call the police. Like the cops in my small Kansas community are going to track this be-yatch to Azerbaijan or wherever she's calling from. As a libertarian and a parody writer, I hold freedom of speech in the highest regard. But it does not apply to unsolicited telemarketing phone calls from scam artists. The NSA needs to use its massive phone surveillance system to track these worthless slugs to the ends of the planet and send them the way of Osama bin Laden.
"Your last chance", the caller states
"Reduce your Visa interest rates"
Once more this message so annoying
A good night's sleep is destroying
And the mission, contemplated in my brain
Inflict some pain
I'm going after Rachel

"Fraud!" said I. Will she reply?
Or just hang up and say "Good-Bye"?
Hear the angry words I am speaking?
I use the "F" one, and it's not "freaking"
She just lies to me and she says that it's all legit
I just say "Shit!"
And then she threatens violence

The "No Call List" and FTC*
Have been no effing use to me
And the cops in Kansas City can
Arrest no suspects in Afghanistan
While the NSA, though eavesdropping to excess
Have no success
In cracking down, on Rachel

Shopped around until I found
The best computer geek in town
"Find her number so I might trace her"
"Then her address and I'll erase her"
From instructions on the Internet I made
A hand grenade
You'd better watch out, Rachel

And in her boiler room I saw
Unwanted callers on the phone
Interrupting meals and meetings
A page of scripted lies repeating
Broke the lock off the door and then I slipped in
And pulled the pin
Then Rachel's phone, went silent
"FTC" (Federal Trade Commission), useless agency which pleads helplessness when ordinary citizens are victimized by harassment telemarketing scams. NSA (National Security Agency), another agency which spies on all phone calls and web sites, including this one. Could probably put a stop to phone scams, but won't. PSA (Public Service Announcement): Don't attempt to make any weapon you see described on the Internet. The same bogus plans are copied repeatedly and contain much misinformation. You need your fingers for typing, and your eyes for reading my songs.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.8
How Funny: 3.8
Overall Rating: 3.8

Total Votes: 16

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   3
 2   1
 3   1
 4   2
 5   9

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Patrick - March 02, 2015 - Report this comment
Got a call today from "Carmen". Ran her around for a while, tracing a dead Visa debit card number until she figured me out. But, I am sure she will call again.
Jonathan - March 02, 2015 - Report this comment
wow! glad you didn't die in a car accident! :) 5's
Rob Arndt - March 02, 2015 - Report this comment
555 calls on your answering machine (yes, the cordless types still have them!). Btw, that's why I turned my land line off... but being disabled proved a problem when I had cell phone problems and left my home phones dead. I collect weird tech and still have old stereos, CB equipment, scanners, typewriters, old gaming systems, laser disc players, dat players, and rotary phones (old new stock from PB). It's fun to play with this stuff every now and then. As a kid from the '70s I loved science and tech as it emerged. Cars with phones, the videophone models, huge computers, robot voice messages, old LED watches (still have my working Fossil), and instant cameras. Also Patrick, in the video game The Order someone is using a Borchardt automatic!!! Thought you should know...
Patrick - March 03, 2015 - Report this comment
I still use a rotary dial phone. Have a stereo phonograph from the 1970's. Bought a manual typewriter with a Cyrillic keyboard once, just because it was cheap. There is a store in KCK that still sells typewriter ribbons. Saw some 35mm film in Wal-Mart the other day.

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