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Song Parodies -> "Shut It Down!"

Original Song Title:

"Hey Little Cobra"

Original Performer:

Rip Chords

Parody Song Title:

"Shut It Down!"

Parody Written by:

Paul Warren

The Lyrics

Well, most of America has been shut it good? Is it bad? Is it mediocre? Let the Government decide!
Hey America, we're gonna have to shut it down!

1-I took a Bill to the Congressman
It doesn't seem he gave a damn.
Everyone there was just waitin' for me
There were plenty of people from the Tea Party!

1st Chorus-Fall Tea Party, or you're gonna strike.
Fall Tea Party with all your might.
Fall Tea Party you have no guts.
Fall Tea Party we think you're nuts!
But hey America, we're gonna have to shut it down!

2-Now September came and went as well
We all blew it and bound for hell.
The Dems and Reps can't fight what's right
I guess we'll close for many nights.

2nd Chorus-Fall Congressmen we are now on strike
Fall Congressmen with all your might.
Fall Congressmen there is no use
Fall Congressmen tighten up that noose.
So Hey America, we're going to have to shut it down!

3-Desperation got in the Dems way
They were blowing-off everything that got in their way.
The Dems and the Reps are too behind
But Republicans why did you cross the line?

3rd Chorus-So now the U.S. is fully shut-down
What goes around must come around.
Can both parties get along,
And sing this Beach Boys-style song?
Because America is officially shut-down!
Why can we all get along?

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.3
How Funny: 2.3
Overall Rating: 2.3

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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