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Song Parodies -> "Taylor Swift the Horsie"

Original Song Title:

"Dominick the Donkey"

Original Performer:

Lou Monte

Parody Song Title:

"Taylor Swift the Horsie"

Parody Written by:

Jeff in Richmond VA

The Lyrics

Ever see Taylor Swift strut across the stage in boots? Looks like a prancing dressage horse. So we decided to have a little fun with that.......
Hey, Clippity-Clop, just "shake it off"
It's Taylor Swift the Horsie
Clippity-Clop, just "shake it off"
The saucy "Fearless" Horsie
Lalalalalalalalala. lalalalalaladidooda....

Travis Kelce's got a girl, her name is Taylor Swift
She prances like a pony girl, it's really quite a trip
In pseudo-negligee and boots, it's such a sight to see
her stomp across the stage, she looks ridiculous to me

Hey, Clippity-Clop, just "shake it off"
It's Taylor Swift the Horsie
Clippity-Clop and "shake it off"
She prances like a Horsie
Lalalalalalalalala. lalalalalaladidooda

Swifties bowing at her feet and Travis in her bed
And all this fame & fortune, it's going to Taylor's head
A list of former boyfriends gets her songs for all the Tweens
The Swifties think that she's the greatest thing they've ever seen

Hey, Clippity-Clop, just "shake it off"
It's Taylor Swift the Horsie
Clippity-Clop just "shake it off"
the wealthy "Fearless" Horsie
Lalalalalalalalala. lalalalalaladidooda

You sing along, and clap your hands and Taylor starts to dance.
She shakes her ass and twirls around and then she starts to prance
The songs for Tweens she plays for you; You like them all so well
The Swifties that don't like MY song? They all can go to hell !!

Hey, Clippity-Clop, just "shake it off"
It's Taylor Swift the Horsie
Clippity-Clop just "shake it off"
and here comes Travis Kelce
Lalalalalalalalala. lalalalalaladidooda hee hee, ha ha

Hey, TaylorSwift..............Femme Fatale

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Pacing: 1.0
How Funny: 1.0
Overall Rating: 1.0

Total Votes: 39

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   39
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   0

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