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Song Parodies -> "Dead Men Vote"

Original Song Title:

"Dead Man's Curve"

Original Performer:

Jan and Dean

Parody Song Title:

"Dead Men Vote"

Parody Written by:

Patrick McWilliams

The Lyrics

The US Census is supposed to count citizens for the purpose of apportioning representatives in the Congress. But there are reports that enumerators are supposed to "estimate" when they can't find people they expect or want to find.
I was working for the Census, twenty-ten
Compiling false statistics on phantom men
When a fellow from ACORN happened by
And challenged me then and there to a lie
We didn't dare call it a conspiracy
But we made a beeline to the cemetery
We paused by the tombstones and took down notes
Obama will win again with dead men's votes

Dead men vote, though they've passed away
Dead men vote, on the rolls they stay
Dead men vote, it's the Chicago way
Obama wins when dead men vote

In the land of the living on election day
Conservative Republicans were having their way
When "Racism!" Democrats began to shout
Started looking for the ballots that would cancel them out
The precinct captain cried "I think I see 'em!"
And he called on the ghosts from the mausoleum
They held the polls open and that's all she wrote
Democracy dies when dead men vote

Dead men vote, they don't show I.D.
Dead men vote, they're all "absentee"
Dead men vote, illegally
The left will win when dead men vote


The next thing I remember was a government thug
Wiping his jackboots on my living room rug
I'll never forget that bone-chilling fright
I guess I know now what the right said was right


Freedom dies when dead men vote

My guns are gone, they took them away
Freedom of speech, I just can't say
Churches are closed, forbidden to pray
Freedom dies when dead men vote
Dead men vote....
Several years ago, Missouri was about to pass a concealed carry law. Opponents in St Louis held their polling places open past the scheduled closing until they could produce enough votes to defeat the measure. ACORN: a political action group, alleged by some on the right, to register illegal aliens and other persons not eligible to vote.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.8
How Funny: 4.5
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 6

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   5

User Comments

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On the upside... - May 04, 2009 - Report this comment
No one's going to get our guns; we just bought more guns and ammo than the armies of China and India combined have to use on those jackbooted leftist vermin. On the downside, that's a lot more voters they'll have in the next election.
rob - May 05, 2009 - Report this comment
in minnesota, al franken got more votes on the semi recount than what was registered. hmmmm. wierd huh? it's ok with one party, however when crime exists, the other party wont show up to vote, like they proved by not voting republican in 2006 & 2008. integrity is absent on the left IN THE VOTERS for letting thier "leaders" get away with this. and how bout acorn paying some poor vulnerable colored man to vote 73 times? any pennance for acorn? no, just more handouts. tax dollars buying votes as always. great parody
Patrick - May 05, 2009 - Report this comment
The only guy I knew who voted five times was a third party supporter. The Indian Police who showed up in response to the terror attack on are reported to have been unarmed or carrying WWI Enfields. The entire state police had fewer weapons than an average 50 table gun show in Kansas. And no ammunition for training. I like your take on extermination of the enemy, that they would continue to vote anyway. Terminator!

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