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Song Parodies -> "Want To Fight A War"

Original Song Title:

"Keep Me Hanging On"

Original Performer:

Diana Ross & The Supremes

Parody Song Title:

"Want To Fight A War"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Let it be, why don't you Shrub?
Don't start a fight, why don't you Shrub?
You don't care 'bout the country
You just want to fight a war
You don't have any money
But you want to fight a war

Why do you keep going around
playing with Saddam?
Why don't you get out of Iraq
before a fight comes on?
Let him get over you
So you can help this country, yeah

Let it be, why don't you Shrub?
Don't start a fight, why don't you Shrub?
You don't have good economy
You just want to fight a war
You don't care 'bout the country
You just want to fight a war

You want to see Iraq broke up
And war is a means to that end
But how can you like that end
If doing it makes a nuclear war begin?
And there ain't nothing we can do about it...

You say you still care for us
but our freedom isn't that free
And now to defend our freedom
you wanna start World War 3?
You just want war for yourself
But what of everybody else?

Why don't you be a man about it
And let it be
No, you don't care a thing about us
It's just lunacy! 'Right' lunacy!

Get out, get out of Iraq
and let us sleep at night
'cause you don't really need to
But you want to start a war
'No you don't really need to
You just want to fight a war

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.2
How Funny: 3.2
Overall Rating: 3.2

Total Votes: 12

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   4
 2   1
 3   1
 4   0
 5   6

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