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Song Parodies -> "Bear Glamour"

Original Song Title:

"Square Hammer"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Bear Glamour"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

There are some elements of the medieval that you simply have to that's a hell of a sentence.
Many things to hide when going undercover
Some pocketed, some swallowed for a time
But some other things are not my bread and butter
I'm gonna need to magic this up tight

Wanna hide a bear? One hell of a pickle
Gonna cost a huge fare, better pay now and on the level
I can't hide a bear with a sheet, they're fickle
So I'm gonna need cash right here, pay out, right here, pay out

Won't be asking why, I'm sure that it's something
Convoluted, please, you're not the first, that's right
Glamours that won't fail is my whole schtick, won't stop it
Just 'cause you need to smuggle what's ursine

Wanna hide a bear? I'm not gonna snigger
Don't want people to stare in fear, big crowds will want your liver
Sure can hide your bear, cost will just be bigger
Than my standard work, cash right here, pay out, right here, pay out

Wanna hide a bear? Hope it can act civil
Ev'ryone in the square would fear a cow that roars, they'd shrivel
Maybe leave the bear at home? Plan won't fizzle
Wait, you'll double the cash? No fear, pay out, right here, pay out
Right here, pay out, right here, pay out
Right here, pay out, right here, pay out

Okay, who rounded all the corners in Chrome? This has nothing to do with the parody, I just noticed it correcting the spelling of "medieval" in the intro and it looks terrible. Don't have any emblems of incomplete fruit on my laptop, so what's with the roundiness all of a sudden?

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.9
How Funny: 4.9
Overall Rating: 4.9

Total Votes: 40

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   39

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