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Song Parodies -> "They're Better Than D"

Original Song Title:

"The Cowboy In Me"

Original Performer:

Tim McGraw

Parody Song Title:

"They're Better Than D"

Parody Written by:

Darius Whitehead

The Lyrics

Another one of these parodies. Why do I always do this? You all are better than me (and my brother) don't you think?
[Verse 1: Darius]
I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
All of the hatred cuts me like a knife.
Sometimes my drawings look so cringe-y,
I guess they're all way better than me.

I'm doing good, that's all I want to say.
Sometimes I'm behaving in a bad way.
If my stuff gets taken away eternally,
I guess they'll be way better than me.

[Chorus: Darius]
My attitude, my disrespect,
The sarcasm I sometimes get.
My brain has gone out of my mind,
Me, that needs a job to find.
The people called me mean names, now they all make fun of me.
I guess they all are better than me.

[Chorus: Darius]
My attitude, my disrespect,
The sarcasm I sometimes get.
My things have gone out of my mind,
Me, that needs a job to find.
The people called me mean names, now they all make fun of me.
I guess they all are better than me.

[Verse 2: Darius]
Bro, I know I might have food for thought.
There isn't a line we've drawn or haven't bought.
But you say I am a good person for all that I do,
Now I say that you're better than me too.

Yes, we both are brothers, in our youth.
I guess the whole world's better than us both.

Hope you enj-WAH-ed or didn't. And if you didn't, that's fine by me.
(c) Darius.

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