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Song Parodies -> "Salem (Story of a Trial)"

Original Song Title:

"Absolutely (Story of a Girl)"

Original Performer:

Nine Days

Parody Song Title:

"Salem (Story of a Trial)"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

This parody is seven years in the making. Let's hope it was worth it. I was bored one day in history class, so I made this up.
This is the story of a trial; /
and twenty died in it all of the while;
And while it looks so bad in history books;/
It happened 16-90/-2 witch trials!/

1. Was it the barely and rye?/
The mold in the crops that meant some had to die?/
Or superstitious paranoids?/
That meant little kids were bad just for their toys?/

The townsfolk hallucinating!/
Saw creepy things that jumped out and said: "Boo!"/
And some who would cringe up in fear/
When you ask whom to blame for it how do you choose?/

(Chorus Lead-in)

A lot of strange women there,/ who's to say?/
Which one was a real witch the town outta slay?/
And why did it have to happen now quite this way?/

(Repeat Chorus)

2. Well was it the LSD Rye?/
The sleeping sickness?/
Or just mad jealousy?/
And did it even matter why?/
All we know for certain is some had to die./

True terror or just pure hatin'?/
Strung up to hang and robbed of all their brooms./
And are we much better today?/
Do we overcompensate and make our own gloom?/

(Repeat Chorus Lead-in)
(Repeat Chorus)

(Instrumental break)

(Chorus Encore)
With lots of strange women there, who's to say?/
Which one was a real witch the town outta slay?/
And why did it have to happen quite this way?/

This is the story of a trial; /
and twenty died in it all of the while;/
And while it looks so bad in history books;/
It happened 16-90-/

This is the story of a trial; /
with lunacy that's as long as the Nile!/
And while it looks so bad in history books;/
It happened 16-90-/

This is the story of a.../
trial; /
and twenty died in it all of the while;/
And while it looks so bad in history books;/
It happened 16-90/-2 witch trials!/

Them witch trials!/

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

User Comments

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MrMacphisto - December 04, 2007 - Report this comment
Good job... much better than the OS.

The author of the parody has authorized comments, and wants YOUR feedback.

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