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Song Parodies -> "Sun Rays"

Original Song Title:


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Parody Song Title:

"Sun Rays"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

There are a lot of people out there who can't stand winter... But this guy really has a bone to pick with summer!
Hot as Hell that Gas-Ball makes me pissed
Sunburns are painful
It's intense shine's hard to miss
And the heat's distasteful

Sweat drips and I'm drenched in this sh*t
Glasses slip down my face
Shady spots are stolen by pricks
Plus they crowd up my lake

Hate the throng, Dressed in thongs
Bright lights glow, Those sun rays won't chill

Sunrays... Beat down
Don't wanna go outside it makes me frown
You think it's comforting?! Damn!!!
(Block the glowing sun with this hat)
Sunrays... Beat down
Gonna need more zinc oxide smeared all around
Can't tell I'm suffering?! Damn!!!

Try to cope in the cold air, Tucked away
With the A/C blasting
Stink because the bills get insane
Dreading the forecasting
Fans are whirling yet my armpits
Smell like a dying beached whale
I'll rewipe deodorant sticks
Can't stand this damn tempertaure scorcher

Weather's wrong, Solar's strong
I'm baked by these sun rays that kill

Sunrays... Beat down
I'm gonna make an egg fry right on the ground
You want some breakfast, My friend?
(Cooked out in the sun, They're all cracked)
Sunrays... Beat down
My skin used to be white now it's light brown
That lotion's smothered and thick
(I applied a ton, It went splaaaaaaaaaaaat!)

[Insturmental Solo]

What the hell?! This heat index won't quit!
Perspired puddles...
You'll hear my whine since my spit's
Vaporized bubbles
Think that chlorine pool's a hit?!
Eyes sting... Without those strapped goggles
Oftentimes you're swimming through piss
Blame all of those neighborhood toddlers!

Smoking bongs! You're ding-dongs!
You wait all year for the sun rays that kill

Sunrays... Beat down...
Illumination's too bright, You'll go blind now!
You'll end up stumbling then
(You're a spastic klutz thanks to those...)
Sunrays... Beat down...
Think that dumb star is sublime but I might frown
You'll hear me grumbling, Damn!
(People sure are dumb to love that!)
That sphere is troubling, Damn!
(You might catch cancer from that crap!)
Bad words I'm mumbling, Daaaaaaaaamn!

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 4

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   4

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