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Song Parodies -> "Soaked In Beers"

Original Song Title:

"Smoke And Mirrors"

Original Performer:

Henry Lee Summer

Parody Song Title:

"Soaked In Beers"

Parody Written by:

Chris Pollman

The Lyrics

The line "these drinks are the kind you like from an Irish pub"is not meant to discredit the Irish. Just to make sure everyone knows that and dosen't start anything, (just to keep things calm forthe super-sensitive people out there who read these)By the way,in this, "Daniels" means Jack Daniels
These drinks are chugged automatic by a sober man
These drinks come out from the keg, you've got a special plan
These days, ain't nobody certain when the glass is gonna dry
They say the man behind the brew may not be sober, but high
And It's all been drank -soaked in beers, beers

These drinks are mixed by a brewster in a seedy old club
These drinks are the kind you like from an Irish pub
These drinks are made like a potion from a wonderland
Drunk Simpson crawling from Moe's Tavern gets drunk each day
Right from the can
These days I'm drinkin' like an alcholic that's drunk all afternoon
Hide all your empty bottles and your barrel full of Daniels
Drunk you could be way too soon

These days there's no doubt about it I could use another keg
These days the brewmeister whispers that I need to pay
It's all in my chest, soaked in beers, beers

These drinks are getting hard to handle
Somethings coming over me
These drinks are nothing more than
Something that's from the brewery
Ooh, these drinks

These drinks ain't nobody drinkin'
'Cos everybody gets pulled aside
These drinks cause your sobeirty
They cause your soberity to hide
And it's all been drank, soaked in beers, beers
These drinks are mixed by a brewster in a seedy old club
These drinks over and over again, ooh these drinks

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Pacing: 3.0
How Funny: 3.0
Overall Rating: 3.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
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