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Song Parodies -> "Hair Cutting"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Green Day

Parody Song Title:

"Hair Cutting"

Parody Written by:

Jakko Wakko

The Lyrics

A Medley: Hair Cutting; The Death Of St. Zohan; Corpy Road; Nobody Likes Your Hair; Rock 'N' Roll Haircut; We're Cutting Hair Again.
My hair is being gelled but,
It goes puffy because it's fair,
I'll call you only,
If you are cutting hair;
Waste a bottle you just might,
So you should buy two,
This hair's hard to live with;

Down in Tel Aviv,
All the hair cutters are on their leave,
No signs of Zohan,
He's spraying Palastinians with a can;
There's a banging sound,
St. Zohan has got some girl on the ground,
He is hair cutting,
A picture in the holy city;

What could Zohan cut,
What with all the women in a rut,
And therefore such,
I do not think he charges very much;

In the pouring rain,
St. Zohan cuts with a great razor blade,
Our hair is similar but not the same,
Zohan must be playing a game;

Zohan died today,
His immune system took too much champagne,
In the state of Maine,
They think that he was so insane;

Zohan didn't care,
Zohan didn't care,
No one really cared,
Zohan didn't care;

He had a funeral of grand proportions,
At the haidressers on Corpy Road,
His couldn't cope so she got the abortion,
On the same day in Gaza it snowed,
The is a theme park in the West Bank now,
Dedicated to every thing hair cutting,
His life may be gone but his spirit lives now,
In an urn on Corpy Road with all his bits in;

Somebody get him out of there,
Can anyone get hime out of there,
Somebody get him out of there,
In Abraham's name get him out of there;

It's far away, I'm going that way,
His ashes are an artifact,
For my museum, of hair enthusium,
And that is a well known fact;
The Israeli dream ain't for me;

You go to sleep while watching Hair TV cos,
You dye it with coffee and a mug of beer;
Just the other Sunday you looked like morn on Monday,
With that big piece of hair right in front of your ears;
I don't know why you sit there alone,
Dying your hair with coffee and bacon;

Nobody likes your hair,
Everyone hates your hair,
They're all out with differant hair,
Cos your no fun x2;

I got a rock 'n' roll mouth,
I got a rock 'n' roll nose,
I got a rock 'n' roll haicut,
It's only me who knows;
I got rock 'n' roll eyes,
I got rock 'n' roll ears,
My hair can play the drums,
And it can play the guitar;

We're Cutting Hair Again x16

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 1   0
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