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Song Parodies -> "Rag-Tag Cowboy Gary"

Original Song Title:

"Ragtime Cowboy Joe"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Rag-Tag Cowboy Gary"

Parody Written by:

That Rag-Tag Gary McNamara

The Lyrics

With high school graduations coming up soon in the United States, there will be tears and cheers from kids everywhere. Now, you too can reprise “Red Eye Radio” host Gary McNamara’s 1973 high school graduation, complete with cowboy lines, raging hormones, and of course, a few girls mixed in. So saddle up, pardner, and listen to the tale of Rag-Tag Cowboy Gary McNamara. Yee-haw!!!
Verse 1:
High school graduation, it’s not very far,
Let me tell you of that talk host who once yelled “Yee-haw!!”,
The hero who gave us this line,
Is Rag-Tag Cowboy Gary! (“Yee-haw!!”)
Got his name from high school from that dumb kid Shneeb,
Ev'ry night he looked at Carole Lombard, went to sleep,
But, one line, it ain’t complete:
Without his story! (“Giddy-up, Eric [Harley]!”)

He always yells, “Yee-haw!”, to the boys and girlfriends,
As friends cry, annoying his fat principal,
That Gary’s ego; is inflated, gaited,
Seventeen, a dumb teenager with a line he keeps repeatin’.
How they run, when they see his water gun,
Because the high schoolers all know,
He's a hormones-raging, rootin’-tootin’ son-of-a-gun from Tonawanda,
Rag-Tag Cowboy Gary!

Verse 2: High school graduation’s coming, friends are sad.
When Shneeb thinks of it, he gets upset and gets mad,
I say, “Don’t cry, I got a line”,
That makes sense; has no swears!
When we walk up to the graduation stage,
Take the diploma from Principal Hesser,
Grab a cowboy hat, my Shneeb,
And let’s both yell, “Yee-haw!!”

He always yells, “Yee-haw!”, to the boys and girlfriends,
As friends cry, annoying his fat principal,
That Gary’s ego; is inflated, gaited,
Seventeen, a dumb teenager with a line he keeps repeatin’.
How they run, when they see his water gun,
Because the high schoolers all know,
He's a hormones-raging, rootin’-tootin’ son-of-a-gun from Tonawanda,
Rag-Tag Cowboy Gary!

Verse 3: “Now, young man McNamara, think of what you said.”
“When you grow up look back on this and feel stupid.”
I say, “You’re jealous of my line”,
“It makes sense; has no swears!”
Fifty years later, I’m hosting a talk show,
Mention this tale the week right before Christmas,
Screw that principal Hesser,
I’m glad I said, “Yee-haw!!”

He always yells, “Yee-haw!”, to the boys and girlfriends,
As friends cry, annoying his fat principal,
That Gary’s ego; is inflated, gaited,
Seventeen, a dumb teenager with a line he keeps repeatin’.
How they run, when they see his water gun,
Because the high schoolers all know,
He's a hormones-raging, rootin’-tootin’ son-of-a-gun from Tonawanda,
Rag-Tag cowboy, (Rootin’-tootin’),
Rag-Tag Cowboy Gary!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.8
How Funny: 4.8
Overall Rating: 4.8

Total Votes: 20

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   19

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Phil Ossifer - May 06, 2024 - Report this comment
I know you're all proud of yourself for utilizing some program that allows you to drop these out by the ton, but just like your dead boyfriend, it's obvious that you couldn't make a parody with creativity, let alone humor, if your life depended on it. Hence, it's hardly a stretch to say that crayons and glitter are way above your pay grade.
The Real Phil Ossifer - May 06, 2024 - Report this comment
Ha! Nobody bothers to comment anymore, let alone even read your recycled garbage, so you do what any slobbering, attention-starved anencephalic would do: reprise a past entry. And of course, it wouldn’t be you if you didn’t post it under my name, as if most readers couldn’t discern the difference. Just curious, does it hurt to be that stupid?
George&GermaineBriantFan - May 06, 2024 - Report this comment
I noticed the guy who actually IS “Phil Ossifer” has refused to show up to do his trite comments today. Too stupid to take the time to make a false commentary?
Captain Obvious - May 06, 2024 - Report this comment
Actually, king of all dorsal orifices, I took your stupid little challenge last Friday, and if I do say so myself, I. Knocked. It. Out. Of. The. Park. Once you get done trying to sound out the big words, see if you can admit you've had your @$$ handed to you. PS You must be really desperate for commentary to start doubling the number of comments you're stealing.

The author of the parody has authorized comments, and wants YOUR feedback.

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