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Song Parodies -> "Visions of the Revelation"

Original Song Title:

"Two Lines of 37 Songs"

Original Performer:

Various Artists

Parody Song Title:

"Visions of the Revelation"

Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

This is something totally unique never done here before. What I have done is taken 2 lines from 37 independent artists original songs and converted them over into one long-running new song which I have worked on for months. This is about the vision of the Biblical Book of Revelation told through my visions I have seen and the NLT (New Living Translation) version of the Bible (the most accurate based on the Tyndale and Wycliffe translations for both meanings and thoughts with all corrections to the Official KJV). Most will not understand all the technology and acronyms but when you see the Hagal Rune on a new EU United Europe flag, know that it is near the End. See symbol below. It means the power of life and death. In Nazi Germany this symbol was the second most sacred after the Hakenkreuz and meant FAITH- not in God, but in the German people to conquer the world. Ominous...
High upon a mountain top
Watches in wrath Die Silberfuchs
By his side the Force of Ten
Down below, 40 million men

Looking down at the Valley floor
Hearing the sound of engines roar
Tens of thousands of AFVs swarm
In support of Satan’s horde

In the sky- swarms of Windhunds
And Miraflage-covered drones of doom
All led by a lone UCAD
Master of hundreds of UCAVs

Down on the ground- the Lions roar
3-80 (mm) MFW cores
Protected by MCP armor
MTU, 2000 horsepower

IDZ troops, Phase 3
Aerospace soldiers, ZT
Optiplate visors ranging
Fiber-optic gun sights aligning

Crane-panzers search the ominous skies
Leos, Pumas, and Wisent pass by
Crews with IMPAKs all standing by
To kill with a single flash of light

Insect-looking Magnacopters
Silent, droning, aerial wonders
Armed with CVFs and KKVs
Hornet’s nest of firepower stings

Bundled munitions flying here and there
Cargo-dropped missiles everywhere
Down to the ground, turned Sea of Fire
To kill the Dragons of Eastern Power

200 million army from Hades
Crosses the dried-up river Euphrates
C-Bomb dropped from beyond the sky
Where a lone Dornier TAV kills satellites

Messing with the Ionosphere
Information world blackout fears
German Arbots eyes and ears
Workings of a billion gears

In the Valley the armies clash
To Rheinmetall plasma blasts
Powerband weapons, ARC heat waves
Turns blackest night into brightest day

The world trembles at this sight
Greatest battle, greatest might
The End the world was headin’
A place called Armageddon

A flag, red, two gold bars
Golden triangle with ten stars
Flag of the prophesied Beast
Against the Dragons from the East

And what of the USA?
“Whore of Babylon” burns that day
Mourn all you merchants upon the sea
The Queen has fallen- Lady Liberty

No match for Europe’s Fourth Reich
Antichrist’s last massive strike
But then appears on a White Horse
The King of Kings, and Lord of Lords

Arriving with the Heavenly Host
All the Saints draped in white robes
The Silberfuchs and East Horde shall pause
And try to make war on the one true God

At Armageddon the blood shall flow
Like a mighty river as flesh explodes
The Beast and False Prophet cast into
Gehenna’s Lake forever doomed

And Christ will enter Jerusalem
Through the Golden Gate observed by men
The Jews, His People, will mourn the once slain
Their Messiah in the land once again

And that will be this world’s history end
As the world enters a new Millenium…

Hagal rune is combination of Lebens (Life) and Tot (Death) runes:

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.9
How Funny: 4.6
Overall Rating: 4.8

Total Votes: 11

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   10

User Comments

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constitution guy - May 07, 2012 - Report this comment
this parody is a great creative work, and ton of effort went into this. however, according many undisputable bible verses, all prophecy has been fulfilled already and the second coming of the "messiah" has already happened but no one wants to think so i sound silly now dont i? let's not upset the biblical apple cart with bible facts constitution guy. 2 lines from 37 independent artists original songs? i aint that serious about my next breath
Porfle Popnecker - May 08, 2012 - Report this comment
Very interesting!
Rob Arndt - May 08, 2012 - Report this comment
The Revelation naturally means "The Revealing" of Jesus Christ to the world and No, that hasn't happened nor the battles that are post-rapture like Magog-Gog (Russian-Arab Coalition attack on Israel) nor WW3 under the Antichrist. There is no one-world Govt, no one-world religion, nor economic 666 system. But the Bible says that the generation that sees Israel reborn (1948) would see the end (Armageddon). Since a biblical generation can be 40 years (1988) or 70 years (2018), I would say it is the latter as evidenced by what happened in 2011 and what is continuing with the changes in laws and times, plus the threat of China, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation. Germany now wields economic power and controls Europe's direction through money and austerity measures that are unpopular. Chancelloe Angela Merkel is female, however, so she cannot be the Beast. But the Germans hold the most votes in the European Parliament and will surely elect the Antichrist once Europe unites (post-rapture). The military journals I read claim that WW3 will occur sometime past 2015 and almost certainly before 2020. That is not far away at all when one considers the spark of attacking the Iranian nuke facilities is under 1 year now. Israel says it will strike unilaterally and not consult the US when it does strike. Add Russia claiming it will pre-emptive strike any defense shield that the US/NATO employs towards Russia. And then add Al Qaida, the Palestinian problem, N Korea's threats, Syrian unrest, and so on... time is getting shorter, not longer. A second term of Obama to me would be evidence of our impending doom!!! The US is headed for fiscal destruction. Lastly, there are 3 bombs more terrifying than the H-Bomb. The C-Bomb (Cobalt), the AMB (Anti-Matter Bomb), and Einstein's UFB (Unified Field Bomb). The latter would literally rip out entire regions and hurl them into hyperspace and/ir drop them over other regions! Imagine NYC ripped from its foundation and dropped on LA!!! So, H-Bombs really aren't all that scary anymore ;-)
constitution guy - May 11, 2012 - Report this comment
not trying to be a religious jerk but the bible says that not ONE jot or tittle shall pass from the law until ALL PROPHECY has been fulfilled. guess what, any church types out there obeying all of the old testement still? i didnt think so. if you break one law- ONE -, you've broke them all. one angry thought right? those laws either DID NOT pass away and we are ALL guilty of every sin and hell bound or the laws were done away with at the cross as the bible says which means ALL PROPHECY HAS BEEN FULFILLED. you either must never be angry, or accept what Jesus really did FOR EVERYONE without any performance on your or my part. still angry, you're a murderer and rapist. did some laws pass away, some jots and tittles? they ALL were fulfilled as is stated in the bible because many jots and tittles have passed away. or you get to go to hell forever as you fight anger, lust, greed, so on. check out and see it in context so it makes sense and then you church revelation second coming types can quit faking holiness and accept that Jesus made EVERYONE in the world redeemed and perfect already. i know this will not convince anyone but if you are tired of contending with your "lack of holiness" and want to get off the self righteous tread mill, check out what mike williams teaches.

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