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Song Parodies -> "I Am Watching (Those Marching Bands)"

Original Song Title:

"Gimme Gimme"

Original Performer:

Thoroughly Modern Millie

Parody Song Title:

"I Am Watching (Those Marching Bands)"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

I'm a marching band buff (particularly high school and college) so I wrote this parody on a song I heard in a monthly school performance (in which one of my friends danced her number to it and it was BRILLIANT) in honor of my favorite parade unit and I gave them lots of kudos.
(instrumental intro)

I am watching those marching bands,
On TV,
I am watching those marching bands,
Don't bug me,
Parades, shows, I'll go after,
I am watching youths thereafter,
I am viewing those amateurs.

(instrumental break)

I am seeing those youthful bands,
It's magic,
I am seeing these youthful bands,
Pep Rallies, field shows, half-time,
Flugelhorns are blaring big time,
Baton twirlers, those swirling flags!

They all marvel the football fields,
We'll yell "Wow!"
Gotta see those school marching bands,
Well, somehow,
Mark time! Play boleros!
Do not make this show so narrow,
Quiet! Stifle! Must watch those bands!

I don't care if they are flawless,
As long as they'll make some lasting, great progress,
Flawlessness to marvel!

I hear it,
I am watching school bands,
I feel it,
Here I am, old MSU,
I've packed my stuff, I'm back at you,
Every high school, dance varsity,
College bands and university,
Mark time! Play pop songs!
You are very good all along,
Your're surprisingly marvelous!

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   1

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