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Song Parodies -> "Volksflugzeug No One Knew"

Original Song Title:

"I Put a Spell on You"

Original Performer:

Screamin' Jay Hawkins

Parody Song Title:

"Volksflugzeug No One Knew"

Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

This is about the rare, little-known Gruse BO-15/1 "People's Aircraft" (Volksflugzeug) of 1933 that was to be produced in mass quantities for the German people as recreational aircraft that were in reach of avg. German citizens much like the Volkswagen would be as the "People's Car". However, it didn't work out that way for either. The Gruse Bo-15/1 was rejected by the NSFK and the Luftwaffe also had no interest in it b/c they trained the HJ with the SG-38 glider. By 1935 all of German life was to be militarized and therefore the Gruse had no part of a miltiary future. The Volkswagen also was a myth as a "People's Car"; in fact only around 400 private German citizens got that vehicle by 1939-40. The rest were shifted over to military production as the Kubelwagen und Schwimmwagen. All civilian VWs were issued to Nazi and Govt. Officials- some German Generals aslo traveled on the fronts in them- the rough terrain versions...
Volksflugzeug no one knew
forgotten by 1939...

Nazi “People’s Aircraft” that flew
Hitler was tryin’
To get Germans flyin’

August Gruse had built it
Single-seater, 18 hp
Rear pusher, weight just 216 lbs
But the NSFK turned it down

Volksflugzeug no one knew
forgotten by 1939...
Flew fine

Only one flew
Only one flew
Only one flew
Only one flew, anyhow
Luftwaffe didn’t care
Training on SG-38s
Udet flew it under power

Nazi aviation grew
Volksflugzeug no one knew
forgotten by 1939...
(not suitable for HJ)

Gruse BO-15/1: The Gruse BO 15/1, an attempt to create a "People's Aircraft" (Volksflugzeug). It was built by the August Gruse Maschinenfabrik and had a Köller M3 18hp engine driving a pusher propeller. It was a single seater with an operational weight of 306 kg and a 108 kg empty weight. There was only one built, registration D-YOYF, and that it was flown by Ernst Udet

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

User Comments

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Patrick - May 18, 2011 - Report this comment
Sounds like Henry Ford's "Flying Flivver", designed to be the aerial equivalent of the Model T car. Considering all the trouble drivers get into while still bound to the earth, I can just imagine thousands of people eating, drinking, texting, and talking on the phone while zipping along a couple thousand feet off the ground.
Rob Arndt - May 18, 2011 - Report this comment
During WW2 Ford proposed using Chemurgian technology to build combat aircraft that would rival others made with DuPint plastic parts. But since hemp was used in the 1942 Hempmobile and the stigma of the time against it, both the car and aircraft proposal (a big 4-engine bomber called the Green Arrow) were dismissed and also attacked by both Hearst in the newspapers and by DuPont. hypocritical, the US used hemp for lubricants, parts, parachute rigging, fire hoses, and other uses for the armed forces!!!

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