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Song Parodies -> "Udet used a Heinecke Parachute"

Original Song Title:

"I Put a Spell on You"

Original Performer:

Screamin' Jay Hawkins

Parody Song Title:

"Udet used a Heinecke Parachute"

Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

During the last year of World War I, the Germans and Austrians used the new Heinecke parachute to escape their planes when hit- the parachute saved around 50+ lives and the Allies had no equivalent except for airship line parachutes. Udet was a famous German WW1 Luftstreitkrafte fighter pilot that taunted Allied pilots with "Du doch nicht" (Cetainly not you) painted on his rudder and Lo for Lola Zink on his red-painted fuselage of his Fokker D.VII. On June 29, 1918 he tried to bag a Breguet scout and got hit near the engine. He stood up and tried to bail but a rush of wind got his parachute harness tangled in the rudder as the Fokker was in a spin. Udet had to fight for his life and escaped due to the Heinecke. He later flew that same day and the next day shot down a Spad for that 36th victory...
Udet used a Heinecke parachute
saved his life

Seeking his 36th victory in June
Fokker D.VII flyin’
Enemy Breguet two-seater flyin’

Udet fired at the observer
Who machine gunned his engine
hit pretty badly
Udet began to nose-down

Udet used a Heinecke parachute
saved his life
He survived

Du doch nicht (certainly not you)
Du doch nicht (certainly not you)
Du doch nicht (certainly not you)
On the Fokker rudder, it’s true!!!
Udet bailed but his harness got caught
Thought his time was up
But tumbled loose somehow

He got free
Udet used a Heinecke parachute
… just in time

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 6

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   6

User Comments

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Patrick - May 06, 2011 - Report this comment
A lot of copies of "Mein Fliegerleben" seemed to turn up on auction sites a few years ago. Udet went on to have quite a career as a pilot after the war.
Rob Arndt - May 06, 2011 - Report this comment
Udet also got to fly Germany's best fighter of WW1- the SSW D.IV which arrived too late to affect the outcome: The SSW D.IV was superior to both the Fokker D.VIII "Flying Razor" as well as the Fokker D.VII...
Wild Child JIN - May 07, 2011 - Report this comment
Wow! what a great story and parody! I heard of another story, don't know if it's true or not, but this guys parachute didn't open, and he hit the ground bounced twice, and lived to tell about it. :-o But great work on this parody, parachuting three 5's down to you! :-)
Rob Arndt - May 07, 2011 - Report this comment
During WW2 there were 3 famous "fallers" w/o a parachute: I.M. Chisov, Alan E. Magee, and Nicholas Alkemade. Chisov was first in 1942 when he bailed from his IL-4 from 22,000 ft and landed in a snowy ravine. Magee in 1943 bailed from his Flak-hit B-17 also from 22,000 ft and hit the glass ceiling of the St. Nazaire railway station. Dumbfounded German troops took him to the hospital!!! And finally, in 1944, RAF gunner Nicholas Alkemade bailed from his burning Lancaster from 18,000 ft and hit a forest of fir trees. He was going to be executed as a spy, but then showed his unused harness attachment points.

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