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Song Parodies -> "Pandora's Loud Voice"

Original Song Title:

"Reasons to Rejoice"

Original Performer:

Regina Weincek (WIHS)

Parody Song Title:

"Pandora's Loud Voice"

Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

The German Pandora weapon was a development of Dr. Zippermayr's coal-dust research in Lofer, Austria during the war. Having worked on the Wind Cannon, Vortex Projector, and even a small turbojet aircraft with a unique wing called the Pfeil, Pandora emerged as a coal-dust firing artillery piece adapted by the SS for use in the Warsaw Ghetto. It was used against the resistance fighters hiding in the rubble and in intact buildings. Pandora was a 50mm weapon with a delayed charge that when detonated caused massive damage and ungodly sound. It pulverized and collapsed buldings and human beings caught in its fire were crushed to death in an instant. This weapon seems to be a single prototype as none were found anywhere else. The SS also sealed the Jews in the sewers and then pumped toxic gases into them to kill them as well.
Jews, the SS are after you
In the rubble, the blood flows
They’ve brought in special weapons
To flush-out the Ghetto heroes

The foul Nazi beast has returned
Causing terror with its might
Brings forth from its armory
Another dark, dreadful sight

Pandora makes its presence known
It makes a distinct sound
A coal-dust firing weapon
Explosions heard miles around

Nowhere to hide, the end of you
Pandora smashes everything
How a 50mm gun could be so powerful
Enough to shatter entire buildings

Nothing is them is still living….

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 5

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
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 5   5

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