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Song Parodies -> "Not the End of the World?"

Original Song Title:

"Not the End of the World"

Original Performer:

Katy Perry

Parody Song Title:

"Not the End of the World?"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

The end of the world is nigh! Repent! Repent! Repe- oh, wait, no, sorry, false alarm, guys. My bad!
It's not the end of the world?
No, not the end of the world
Was the predictor a liar? I don't see fire
Man, this blows
It's nothing like I was expecting
I was convinced things were ending
Not a damn thing is on fire, no sort of pyre
Time to mope
It's not the end of the, no, not the end of the world

World won't fall apart, no debris is falling down
I was promised raining blood and beasts from underground
I can't hear the sounds of the demons roaring now
Demons roaring now, demons, demons roaring now
Not a madman who told me apocalypse was nigh
Seemed to know his shit, didn't catch a twitchy eye
I guess he was wrong for, I think, the hundredth time
Least the hundredth time, yeah, at least the hundredth time

Na-na-na, na (I won't die?)
Na-na-na, na (that can't be right)
I've said goodbyes

It's not the end of the world?
No, not the end of the world
Not something one should desire, still, I have ire
It won't go
Was so sure my lifetime was ending
Kind of what I was expecting
Meteor rain, all on fire, sounds really dire
Love that so
It's not the end of the, no, not the end of the world

Thought this would be it, ev'rything was wrapped up tight
Paid ev'ry bar tab, let ev'ry secret fly
Called my boss an asshole then I slapped him in the eye
Slapped him in the eye, no job, I'm afraid

Na-na-na, na (all won't die?)
Na-na-na, na (planned for a lie)
Bullshit, not right (bullshit, not right)

It's not the end of the world?
No, not the end of the world
Was promised pillars of fire, I could admire
The sheer scope
But now that it's not a big ending
My epic backtrack's beginning
Might have the courage required, still want that fire
Man, this blows

Na-na-na, na
Na-na-na, na
No big goodbye (no big goodbye)
Na-na-na, na
Na-na-na, na
"The End" was lies

Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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