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Song Parodies -> "Gory in Fallujah"

Original Song Title:

"Battle Hymn of the Republic"

Original Performer:

Julia Ward Howe

Parody Song Title:

"Gory in Fallujah"

Parody Written by:

Susanna Viljanen

The Lyrics

I can understand partisan warfare, but hostage slaughterhouses are simply out of my comprehension. I sincerely hope the Yanks have their ways on dealing with those cut-throats, who are no partisans but just ordinary thugs.
Mine eyes have seen the gory of the slitting up the throats
they have slain defenseless people just as if they were but goats
The stench of blood's all over and the gore has covered the moats
The Yanks are marching on!

Gory, gory in Fallujah!
Let those cut-throats meet the Allah!
In Guantánamo those fellahs!
The Yanks are marching on!

I have seen them in the telly in a tape that's full of hate
They have shown decapitations in the evening news so late
They have slain so many hostages in past and up to date
But Yanks are marching on!

Gory, gory in Fallujah!
Let those cut-throats meet the Allah!
In Guantánamo those fellahs!
The Yanks are marching on!

I've seen the word of Allah writ in sabres made of steel
As they've dealt with all the hostages, so with them the Yanks shall deal;
Let the Yankees, men and women, crush those bastards with their heel
Since Yanks are marching on!

Gory, gory in Fallujah!
Let those cut-throats meet the Allah!
In Guantánamo those fellahs!
The Yanks are marching on!

Yanks have started now the diesel that shall no more go retreat
They are shifting up the gears of tanks and made up now the beat
Their soldiers are quite pissed off and they're full of will and heat
The Yanks marching on!

Gory, gory in Fallujah!
Let those cut-throats meet the Allah!
In Guantánamo those fellahs!
The Yanks are marching on!

In the year of Seven Six the freedom triumphed across the sea
With example to all tyrants that are bullying you and me
As they fought the monarch in the past, let them fight to make men free,
While Yanks are marching on!

Gory, gory in Fallujah!
Let those cut-throats meet the Allah!
In Guantánamo those fellahs!
The Yanks are marching on!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.6
How Funny: 4.6
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 7

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   1
 3   0
 4   0
 5   6

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Royce Miller - November 11, 2004 - Report this comment
Susanna, you did a good job of writing to this difficult song, and I agree with what you're saying--the heads that have been cut off tell a story of who the real thugs are, and if cutting off of heads doesn't paint a picture, people just don't want to see.
Guy - November 11, 2004 - Report this comment
Very well done and a fine tribute to the US military on our holiday. Happy Veterans Day, Susanna. This veteran appreciates your tribute.
Susanna Viljanen - November 12, 2004 - Report this comment
Guy, not all Europeans are dhimmis. My country, Finland, ransomed its freedom against Totalitarianism very dearly sixty years ago, we know the price of freedom is will to defend it, and I hope I know the difference between a partisan and a thug. I initially was somewhat uneasy on US intervention on Iraq, but the beheadings of the defenseless civilians, kidnappings, assassinations and bombings of innocent civilians opened my eyes: Yanks are not facing freedom fighters, but just ordinary crackpots, cut-throats, highwaymen and thugs. I sincerely hope all the best for the Coalition forces and wish they get the things done as swiftly as possible.

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