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Song Parodies -> "Iowa Straw Poll"

Original Song Title:

"Iowa Stubborn"

Original Performer:

Cast of The Music Man

Parody Song Title:

"Iowa Straw Poll"

Parody Written by:

Old Man Ribber

The Lyrics

Although this is the 19th amiright parody which utilizes songs from The Music Man, this is the first attempt to use this specific number. If it's unfamiliar (probably so except for the most hardcore musical fan), check it out on Youtube. The parody is also behind the latest breaking news, as Pawlenty withdrew from the race on Sunday. How does Iowa get away with it? They already have the first "caucus" for delegate selection in February of next year. Must Iowa also have this media event fifteen months before the election? Doesn't this give Iowa voters a disproportionate amount of influence in the election process? With no disrespect intended, the answers are beats me, no, and most certainly! ;D

Oh, there's nothing today
Quite like the Iowa Straw Vote polling.
All are trolling in the first of voting states.
Hopefuls all bang away.
They're courting each of the Hawkeye residents
For president's the goal of candidates.

Although the U.S. election won't happen 'til next November
They are here to keep their White House bids alive.
And 'though both Rick and Romney
Chose to skip these proceedings,
All the rest of the pack is here for the shuck and jive.
What is the point? Don't ask me!
Why is it important?
Romney won this show last time,
So how'd it work for him?
Yet still they're going to Iowa to strive.

(Solo) I'd say that this is too early.

(All) Why can't this show wait for snow in the wintertime of December
When their caucus would be just two months away?
For it's a fact that this state's
Never been a bellweather.
It more often goes blue and seldom comes into play.

(Slowly, reverently) "Cause it's all for the press,
Pundits, experts, reporters.
They must fill up each slow news day!

(A tempo) But then perhaps the hoopla
Serves a useful purpose.
Newt, T-Paw, John Huntsman, and Santorum may drop out.

And so who really won Iowa?
Straw Poll Iowa?
Michele? Ron Paul? Santorum? Pawlenty?
Huntsman? Gingrich? Cain? Nobody?
Did the vote clear things up? No way!!

Born and raised in Iowa, Meredith Willson's fame rests on writing the lyrics, music and story of The Music Man (which naturally occurs in Iowa). He of course did more...the classic holiday song It's Beginning To Look like Christmas and the lesser-known musical The Unsinkable Molly Brown. Willson was also a flute/piccolo virtuoso and a member of John Phillip Sousa's professional concert band in the 1920's. ;D

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Pacing: 5.0
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Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 1

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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 5   1

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