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Song Parodies -> "False Call"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Bosco Commercial

Parody Song Title:

"False Call"

Parody Written by:

Robert D. Arndt Jr.

The Lyrics

Global Warming lunacy....
Al Gore made a false call
About global warming
Ice sheets N and S false call
“Everything's melting!”
REPs tired of pseudo-science calls
“Ice-free” Arctic by 2013
Al Gore is a moron
Ice expanded by percent- 50!!!
Al Gore made a false call!
Like his Internet and “Love Story” stories!

How insane can he be???

[Didn't invent the former and
wasn't the inspiration for the latter]

Tired of stupid DEM theories!!!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.6
How Funny: 4.6
Overall Rating: 4.6

Total Votes: 11

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   10

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Exposer of the Opinionated Fools - December 01, 2014 - Report this comment
Braco, Arndt! Yeah, you exposed a fool all right, greentards, and it wasn't Arndt. You talentless, totalitarian-regime-loving, Al-Gore-worshiping, empty-headed Climate Cult goose-steppers, dispensers of genocidal hate screeds, charlatan enviro-mythologists, and anti-human boomerang bigots have stunk up the comments sections of Amiright for too long with your warmed-over moronic Marxism and long-winded pseudo-scientific rants posing as comments. You wanna know why Chucky's entire domain of leftist cesspits is moribund? Take a look in the mirror, you quacks.
Nobody's Fool - December 01, 2014 - Report this comment
Face it folks, Al Gore is the Harold Camping of doom and gloom global warming panic based on pseudoscientific ramblings of other fools. Al said we were gonna be flooded two years ago. Did it happen? No! In fact, the Artic ice sheet has expanded for all to see. Enough of the quackery!!!
Rob Arndt - December 01, 2014 - Report this comment
Gore made TWO predictions in 2007 and 2009 on Artic ice melting and flooding. The reality according to monitoring DMI Center for Ocean and Ice is that the ice sheet has expanded two years in a row despite higher temps!!! And although 65% of Americans believe in global warming, only less than half believe it is man-made! And only 32% believe global warming will endanger human life!!! Gore is discredited even by the scientist he misquoted, Dr. Wieslav Maslowski!!! Maslowski made no such prediction. When confronted by the media, Gore backpedaled admitting the ESTIMATE was a "ballpark figure"!!! Gore has not returned calls nor has done interviews in 2014 over his failed doomsday warnings!!! So who's the moron here?
Then I Got A Brain... Now I'm A Denier - December 01, 2014 - Report this comment
Ever notice how the self-righteous do-gooders trying to browbeat us about our "carbon footprint" are always going on government-funded trips to remote locations to eat rare delicacies with their fellow parasitic snobs at expensive meetings? How many carbon-dioxide-spewing Gulfstreams and SUVs will those green hypocrites going to that retarded Global Governance conference the self-exposing fool mentioned be respectively flying and driving, I wonder?
Exposer Of Fools - December 01, 2014 - Report this comment
Folks, I agree completely with you and Bishop Usher that the Earth is 6,000 years old, and that Man was designed at a drawing board by a most excellent Intelligence. Now from the world of faith to the world of rational hypotheses based on systematic observation:

To explain why Antarctic sea ice fails to fit comfortably with a simple "warmer world, less ice" narrative, it is necessary to understand that the climate system has many layers of competing effects. Often only the largest of these will be obvious or detectable.

Currently, the effect of greenhouse gases is being overshadowed by other local climate phenomena. By far the biggest impact has been the ozone hole. The signal of increasing greenhouse gases is buried beneath all the other signals.

The depletion of the ozone layer above Antarctica during the last century by emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) has caused an overall cooling trend on the continent. Ozone reduction has seen more heat reflecting back into space. Although the ozone hole has begun to show the first signs of recovery, levels are still significantly reduced. The loss of ozone is probably the second largest human impact on global climate after carbon dioxide.

One of the effects of ozone loss on the Antarctic has been the increasing frequency and ferocity of winds and storms around the continent. Ozone depletion has caused winds in the Southern Ocean to increase by 15-20%. In particular, the cooling trend may have caused a low pressure system in the Amundsen sea to increase in intensity or frequency. This vortex sucks air from the frozen inside of the continent and it rushes out over the Ross Sea to the west. This is where 80% of Antarctica’s ice expansion has occurred.

The effect of the intensifying winds is coupled with a massive dump of cold, fresh water into the Ross Sea from the Pine Island glacier. This water, which floats on the surface, is less dense, colder and freezes more easily than the sea water below, and when it is struck by storm winds from the continent it forms ice floes.

It is likely that global warming will eventually overtake these other factors, and a few decades from now Antarctic sea ice will decrease.

Nobody's Fool: The Arctic ice sheet has drastically retreated, not expanded. Rob: Your citation of polling on a matter of science of a population suffering from self-imposed scientific illiteracy is utterly meaningless.

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