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Song Parodies -> "Droop! (There It Is)"

Original Song Title:

"Whoomp! (There It Is)"

Original Performer:

Tag Team

Parody Song Title:

"Droop! (There It Is)"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

There's a fine line between the fine art of schadenfreude (deriving pleasure from other people's misfortune) and just being a straight-up douchebarrel. Be aware of this line...
I'm an asshole!
Yeah, that's me, douchebag played to the hilt
Must see the people that I meet absolutely broken
Not physic'lly, no (not physic'lly, no)
Take emotions and then crush 'em to bits

That's me, I'm a dick
Testin' your patience once again
Make you sob, make you weep because it brings me joy
You grieve, I'm a clown, yuck-yucks ahoy
Don't see your father over here, your father's over there
Nasty smell's in the air 'cause he wasn't spared
Now you're hurt and I'm feelin' giddy
Droop! There it is, sadness

Droop! There it is, droop! There it is
Droop! There it is, droop! There it is
Droop! There it is, droop! There it is
Droop! There it is, droop! There it is

Smile has now turned upside down
Because your soul has been broken, what I'm about
I can pinpoint the second your heart's in twine
Must take a picture, gotta save the file
Big folder of saps, young and old fools
That I have forced to make full pools
Of their tears on the ground, always makin' my day
Droop! There it is, what a fallen face

Droop! There it is (your face falls), droop! There it is (you're gettin' sadder)
Droop! There it is (your face falls), droop! There it is (sadder)
Droop! There it is (your face falls), droop! There it is (you're gettin' sadder)
Droop! There it is (your face falls), droop! There it is
Droop! Wibble lip, the wibble lip, the wibble lip, I love it
Droop! Wibble lip, the wibble lip, the wibble lip, I love it
Droop! Wibble lip, the wibble lip, the wibble lip, I love it
Droop! Wibble lip, the wibble lip, the wibble lip, I love it

Great prank to make your heart tank
And then do flips as I just can't blank
Good thing I never play cards, this
Face flips when I pull this shit, can't pull it in
I love it, trickin' dipshits that I
Heard that their best friend just died, oh my
Ooh, that's it, c'mon, c'mon
Droop! There it is, great stuff

Droop! There it is (c'mon), droop! There it is (sadder)
Droop! There it is (give it to me), droop! There it is (c'mon, c'mon)
Droop! There it is (little sadder), droop! There it is (yeah)
Droop! There it is (c'mon, c'mon), droop! There it is (yeah)
You're sappy, droop, there it is
I'm happy, droop, there it is

Go 'head and hate me but at least I'm not lazy
Some people I've found do this stuff online now
I hate it, can't stand it, lambast it
You're askin' why? No? Tough, have it (whoo!)
This is why I'm hatin':
You're stuck usin' your stupid imagination
Seein' the face now in the flesh, hands down: that's cool
Watch 'em crumble 'cause they're dipshit fools

They're a dipshit, such a dipshit, total dipshit, they're a dipshit
Such a dipshit, total dipshit, they're a dipshit, such a dipshit
Total dipshit, they're a dipshit, such a dipshit, total dipshit
They're a dipshit, such a dipshit, total dipshit, they're a dipshit

Gonna D-R-double-O then P as I joke
"I ran your kid down at school"? Such gold
Hardcore, I'm an edgelord, check
See that as no insult, get wrecked
Not killed or ill, made that up, so chill
Gain some steel nerves or take the chillest of pills
Okay, people, I've had my wheeze, that's me, I'm through
Droop! There it is, you dumbass, you

Droop! There it is, droop! There it is
Droop! There it is, droop! There it is
Droop! There it is, droop! There it is
Droop! There it is, droop! There it is

Yeah! That's me, douchebag comin' straight atcha
Can't leave this seat that you've got me strapped into, it's shockin'
I can still mock, I can still mock, did your wife, here we go

Droop! There it is, droop! There it is
Droop! There it is, droop! There it is

Who's laughing now?

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 14

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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