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Song Parodies -> "Archie and his Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"

Original Song Title:

"Go Go Power Rangers/Zords"

Original Performer:

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Parody Song Title:

"Archie and his Mighty Morphin Power Rangers"

Parody Written by:

Tokusou Sentai Blessranger

The Lyrics

What would happen when the Archies dress up like the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers?? Note the "rugger" part of the lyrics refered to as the Turbo Rugger mecha from Kosoku Sentai Turboranger.
Go go Archie Rangers! Go go Archie Rangers! Go go Archie Rangers! Mighty Morphin Archie Rangers!
Go go Archie Rangers! Go go Archie Rangers! Go go Archie Rangers! You Mighty Morphin Archie Rangers!

[Reggie]: Black Ranger Power!
[Betty]: Pink Ranger Power!
[Jughead]: Blue Ranger Power!
[Veronica]: Yellow Ranger Power!
[Archie]: Red Ranger Power!
Go, go Archie Rangers!

[Reggie] Aiyah!
[Jughead] Si-hiya!
[Veronica] Eyah!
[Betty] Yah!
[Archie] Hyah!
[Reggie] Ol' Arch, it's attacking!
Go Reggie, Go Betty, Go Jughead, Go Veronica, Go Archie!
Go, go Archie Rangers!

[Supro] Mister Weatherbee is still around, eh? Little did he knew these ditiful teenage do-gooders were no match for me.
[Archie] We need Superzord power now! Aiyah!
[Reggie and Jughead] Hyah!
[Veronica and Betty] Yah!
[Archie] All right!
[Reggie] What is this place?
[Jughead] Let's check it out!
[Veronica] Now they're ready to go!
[Betty] Archie, let's do this!

Go, go Archie Rangers! Go, go Archie Rangers!
Go black, go pink, go blue, go yellow, go red, red, red!
Go, go, go Archie Rangers!

[Archie] We'll never give up, we're looking for that weak spot!
[Veronica, Jughead, Betty, and Reggie] Right!
[Reggie] He's tough but we're tougher, now it's our turn!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
[Archie] You've had it, you've had, you've had it, bad brain!

Go, go Reggie Mantle! Go, go Betty Cooper! Go, go Jughead Jones! Go, go Veronica Lodge! Go, go Archie Andrews!
Go, go Archie Rangers! Go, go Archie Rangers!

[Archie] It's time we finish this dork! Alright!
[Archie, Veronica, Jughead, Betty, Reggie] Hyah!
[Archie] Ruggerzord's got him, let's finish him guys!
[Jughead] Locked on target, and ready to fire!
[Reggie] Well, let's kill him!
[Betty] Crash him!
[Veronica] And bash him!
[Archie] Hyperzord, power up! Ultrazord sequence complete! Lock on and fire!

Go, go Power Rangers!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.5
How Funny: 2.0
Overall Rating: 2.5

Total Votes: 2

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   0

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Dylan Baranski - March 29, 2007 - Report this comment
OK, I've never known the dialogue like "Green Ranger Power!" & all that to be in the short version of the Power Rangers theme, so I'll have to dock you a point. On top of that, it's an unusual parody, but still good. 4-3-4.

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