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Song Parodies -> "Wasted Spoof"

Original Song Title:

"Wasted Youth"

Original Performer:

Meat Loaf

Parody Song Title:

"Wasted Spoof"

Parody Written by:

The Repetitionists

The Lyrics

We're gonna put this in the middle of the album!
Wasted Spoof,
Wasted Spoof;

I remember everything,
I remember every little detail as if it happened last week,
I was barely fourteen, and I once won a one of a kind miniature of Pinstripe Potoroo,
I can't remember if it was gold or platinum but I know it wasn't at all easy,
It required the right amount of the same symbols and the required number at which to call,
My money bled for about a week afterward because I paid one hundred American dollars just to phone the company that made it,
My money bled for about a week afterward and it didn't rejuvenate at all, I wasn't rich like wild berries,
The blood of the money was N. Brio red,
I never felt more ashamed of myself,
I took my figuerine,
And I smashed it against the walls,
I smashed it against the floor,
I smashed it against the stick of Papu Papu,
I smashed it against a Ripper Roo Cosplay character,
I smashed it against the 1999 platinum edition of Crash Team Rashing,
N. Gin's kart howled in pain,
And then I took my figurine to the top of Cortex Castle,
Dr. Cortex was sleeping in the moonlight,
So I raised the small statue above my head,
And just before it hit the bed Cortex shouted,
"Stop it boy,"
"Don't you know how big a Crash Bandicoot fan you are!"
And I said "God dammit Cortex!"
"You know I love you!"
"But you've got a hell of a lot to learn about parody rock and roll!"

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