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Song Parodies -> "The Parkers"

Original Song Title:

"Fairy Tales"

Original Performer:

Anita Baker

Parody Song Title:

"The Parkers"

Parody Written by:

Freddie C.

The Lyrics

I used the long version of this song to build a thorough tribute to the show. (And I'll tell you this: Mo'Nique has become one of my favorite actresses of all time.)
I can remember Nikki, and also daughter Kim
I'd see The Parkers each Monday on UPN
Kim used to hang out with a white girlfriend named Stevie
And also with this guy, you'd only call him "T"

And there was a Professor, named Stanley Oglevee
Whom Nikki had a crush on, she loved him endlessly
He taught at junior college, and each and every night
She'd proudly say "I love him, and the Professor's mine"
She hoped that someday he would ask her to marry him
She always knew that she would still be in love with him

The show will end, as all shows do, I will miss those special times
Like when Kim and Nikki said "Heyyy!"
The Parkers

And then Nikki had a best friend, a club owner named Andell
She started on Moesha, and Kimmy did as well
Those times were very special, as you can plainly see
It was a very good show, so good it was to me
But can't you see it, Stanley? Miss Nikki loves you so
You still ignore the fact, cause you just don't know

The show will end, as all shows do, I will miss those special times
Like when Kim and Nikki said "Heyyy!"
The Parkers, yes

I don't look for love up in the sky baby, need reality now
Why would Stan feel the need to be pacified? Please don't try
Cause you can't shake her off

And can't you see it, Stanley? Miss Nikki loves you so
You still ignore the fact, cause you just don't know
Kim has no luck with men, and Stevie hates her mom
"T" cannot get a contract, they say he's not the bomb
But now the show is drawing so closer to the end
Everyone's luck must change and their lives must now begin

The show will end, as all shows do, I will miss those special times
Like when Kim and Nikki said "Heyyy!"
The Parkers


(long instrumental break)

(Nikki laughing)

(Kim) Dang, Mama!

(Kim laughing)...Heyyy!

(Kim & Nikki laughing)...Heyyy! Mm, mmm...oh Lord...
"Skinny Women are Evil"

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 3

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

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