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Song Parodies -> "The Reasons I Hate Frat Bros"

Original Song Title:

"Should I Stay or Should I Go"

Original Performer:

The Clash

Parody Song Title:

"The Reasons I Hate Frat Bros"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Ah, the jerk jock stereotype, your standard beer-chuggin', sports-playin', skirt-chasin' douchenozzle. Because ranting on them is totally original, right? Yeah, that's what I thought. Enjoy!
Douche! Dumbass!

Fact of my life and you should know:
I'm real sick of these frat bros
With their caps skewed to the si-ide
Hand blocking the sun from their eyes
Can their IQ be that lo-ow?
One reason I hate frat bros

They're always "me, me, me"
Havin' another drink or three
Always obsessed with sports team flags
Implyin' ev'ry chick's a slag
That hateful attitude is gro-oss
More reasons I hate frat bros

Don't wanna deal with frat bros now
I just can't handle frat bros now
As assholes, they're far from subtle
And I've yet to see a rebuttal
Don't expect one from these schmoe-oes

All I want is quiet and peace (tryin' to have a siesta)
But will they shut up? Nosiree (try to ask nicely, they mock me)
Braggin' 'bout liftin' two-fifty-y (come on! Nobody cares!)
Crush cans on heads and other dick'ry (that's askin' for a nasty scar)
As the booze freely flo-ows (how'd they afford all of that beer?)
Reminds me why I hate frat bros (don't care 'bout no-one but themselves)


Douches, too common is the frat bro
No, wait, "brah"

There's just so many frat bros 'round (backwards-facin' caps, they're on show)
Am I wand'rin' through frat bro town? (that's a place I don't want to go)
With tight shirts showin' off muscles (singlets? Tees? The same to frat bros)
If I just cough, I'll be in trouble (the wrong movement, I'm buggered)
Is it their temper that's lo-ow (hypothesis I'm voicin' here)
Or is self-esteem low, frat bros? (likely or not, that I don't know)
Insight into the frat bros now (what goes through my head near frat bros)
Can't voice it, I'll get in trouble (runnin' like a snail, it's so slow)
Unlike them, I'm lackin' in muscles (I get easily knackered)
So on my blog it'll go-o (intrigued? I'll put the title here:)
"The Reasons I Hate Frat Bros"

Was not expecting the backing vocals for a punk rock song from England to be in Spanish. But they are. Because Joe Strummer felt like it, according to Wikipedia. The more you know, I guess.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.9
How Funny: 4.8
Overall Rating: 4.6

Total Votes: 8

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   7

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Jonathan - November 25, 2014 - Report this comment
Dude! 5's Brah!

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