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Song Parodies -> "Search Engine in China"

Original Song Title:

"Englishman in New York"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Search Engine in China"

Parody Written by:

Jim A

The Lyrics

I don't use Google or Yahoo out here
maybe use HotBot on the side
and I'm doing research and never get too far
using search engines in China

see me heading on towards Beijing
state controls never on my side
net access here is below par
they've banned search engines in China

oh, it's a search engine
an illegal search engine
googles search engine in China
oh, it's a search engine
an illegal search engine
googles search engine in China

If "Soldiers giveth rights" as I've just said
then it's the leaders fault today
if I'm arrested by the communist party
I'm not sure of what excuse to play

oh, it's a search engine
an illegal search engine
googles search engine in China
oh, it's a search engine
an illegal search engine
googles search engine in China

Net Cafes, Broadband Access, could lead to animosity
you could loose access to telephone
Search Engines, Wireless accounts, are valuable comoditys
stopped by a great red firewall you should know

takes some democracy to understand
takes a proxy server to get
avoid America, block their sites when you can
a Filter King will stop you logging on

If "Soldiers giveth rights" as I've just said
then it's the leaders fault today
if I'm arrested by the communist party
I'm not sure of what excuse to play
I'm not sure of what excuse to play
I'm not sure of what excuse to play

oh, it's a search engine
an illegal search engine
googles search engine in China
oh, it's a search engine
an illegal search engine
googles search engine in China

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Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 9

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   0
 3   0
 4   1
 5   6

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