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Song Parodies -> "A Bunch Of Bricks In The Lane"

Original Song Title:

"Another Brick In The Wall (Part 2)"

Original Performer:

Pink Floyd

Parody Song Title:

"A Bunch Of Bricks In The Lane"

Parody Written by:

Ethan Mawyer

The Lyrics

mason - one who builds with stone or brickSo a backboard mason is someone who lays bricks on a backboard
You're a big ole backboard mason
You don't have no shot control
I saw your stat box and was gasping
Jesus, three for twenty-four
Oh, Jesus! Three for twenty-four
Every game you launch a bunch of bricks in the lane
Every game you launch a bunch of bricks in the lane

You're a big ole backboard mason
You don't have no shot control
I saw your stat box and was gasping
Jesus, three for twenty-four
Oh, Jesus! Three for twenty-four
Every game you launch a bunch of bricks in the lane
Every game you launch a bunch of bricks in the lane

Pass! Don't shoot again
Pass! Don't shoot agan
You will sit on the bench if you don't stop that shooting
Since you did not stop that shooting you will sit on the bench
You! Yes you who shot the airball
Get out quickly
for those who don't know much about basketball three for twenty four is making three shots in the basket out of 24 tries which is very bad

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.7
How Funny: 2.8
Overall Rating: 2.7

Total Votes: 6

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   3
 2   0
 3   0
 4   2
 5   1

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