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Song Parodies -> "Ent"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

Pet Shop Boys

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Running headfirst into a tree is always awkward. Especially when the tree says "Ow!"
This forest sucks, I don't love it
Swear that I'll kick the bucket
I look like food for creatures
That swoop and run, flesh seekers
I don't have a sword to cut or spells, you see
I'm kinda dumb and weak
So sorry for entering so clumsy
I thought you were just a tree

How was I to know that your ass could breathe?
Now your shin has a dent
I failed to tell you're an ent
I failed to tell you're an ent

Not obvious you have limbs or a face
Until one looks real hard
Did not have time, that wolfpack wanted a taste
Of my now-pungent arse

I swear I didn't mean to smash my entire face
Your lower branch is bent
I failed to tell you're an ent
I failed to tell you're an ent
I failed to tell you're an ent

This is awkward
Don't love it

I feel like a total putz to have the tree
I ran into scold me
Being belittled makes me feel less
But there's no way I can leaf

A terrible joke, can't stop them, geez
My whole damn brain feels spent
I failed to tell you're an ent
I failed to tell you're an ent
I failed to tell you're an ent

More I must know, I can't careen
Into your bros, prevent
Would hate to injure more ents
Would hate to injure more ents
And my thoughts go to other trees
Upon their trunks, I went
Would be rude if they were ents
Would be rude if they were ents
Would be rude if they were ents (not easy, it's not easy)
Which trees are ents (not easy, it's not easy)?
Which trees are ents (not easy, it's not easy)?
So confused (not easy, it's not easy)
Not easy, it's not easy
Not easy, it's not easy
Not easy, it's not easy
Not easy, it's not easy
Not easy, it's not easy
Not easy, it's not easy

This is one of those songs that's just perpetually in my head. The title line in particular ("I love you, you pay my rent") is just a perfect balance of hilarious and depressing.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.7
How Funny: 4.7
Overall Rating: 4.7

Total Votes: 56

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   4
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   52

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