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Song Parodies -> "Christmastime"

Original Song Title:

"Teacher's Pet"

Original Performer:

GG Allin

Parody Song Title:


Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Parody about a stereotyped holiday season for me (except for pawning Wiis and winning large amounts of money, it's just like the average Christmas for me, including getting poked in the eye by something or another and acting like the grinch).

Original lyrics not provided due to the nature of the OS (original song) lyrics.

Yes, I broke the writer's block long enough to make this parody.
Christmastime is comin' up, soon
Inside the shoppin' malls, lots of odd buffoons
Buyin' Hick'ry Farms and Craftsman Tools
Zhu-Zhu Pets, no kiddie pools

Hum-bug? Don't you even say that, Scroogie-poo
Hum-bug? Don't you even say that, Scroogie-poo

Spent to my last cent, yeah that's what I did
But still din't buy all my gifts
Pawned my Wii, then I went down to Wal-Mart, that's what I did
Then I went downtown to buy the rest on my list, yeah I did

Hum-bug? Yes, sir, I'm-a gonna be a real Grinch
Hum-bug? Yes, sir, I'm-a gonna be a real Grinch

Gonna play the Megabucks
Scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, I win!
I just won 5 thousand bucks

Got all my gifts by Christmas Eve, my God, Gramp's really peeved
When I made sick jokes 'bout poor Chris Reeve
That helpless dead quadriplege
Them sick jokes, “Hey, don't tell 'em, please!”

Roast goose, on the table with the pumpkin pie
Unwrap, all the Christmas gifts, oh, crap, my eye!
© Andria Kilgore, 2010, all rights reserved.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.4
How Funny: 3.4
Overall Rating: 3.4

Total Votes: 5

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   3

User Comments

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Patrick - December 20, 2010 - Report this comment
Don't know the original song, heard many bad and scatalogical things about Mr Allin. I remember after hearing about his show that I wrote in the newspaper column I used to have that you did not want front row seats for his performance. If you ever win enough money on the lottery to buy a cassette recorder, I'm still interested in that Carole King instrumental track. Have a merrier Christmas than your song implies.
Old Man Ribber - December 20, 2010 - Report this comment
Andria - While I DKTOS, it doesn't matter. This is vivid and evocative...a side of the holidays as only an overworked pawnbroker could imagine. Many of us are incurable are something more. Merry Christmas! ;D
AFW - December 20, 2010 - Report this comment
Don't know this "Teacher's Pet" I recall was by Doris Day...good job of expressing holiday shopping didn't really hock your Wii, did you?
Andria - December 22, 2010 - Report this comment
Patrick: If you are offended by profanity and degrading language (I am *not*), you don't want to know this song or anything by GG except "Devil's Triangle", "1980s Rock & Roll" and "Love Tunnel", which are pretty much Van Halen or Styx copycat songs with no profanity. I want a turntable that records onto CDs or MP3, but my computer is a fossil and has no USB plug-ins.

OMR: Thanks, LOL, and Merry Christmas back at you.

AFW: The Doris Day song and the GG Allin song are totally different animals. Thanks for v/c, and I *did* trade a Wii for a Ford pickup that threw a rod two weeks later and was sold for scrap after I had it towed home. I no longer have a Wii.
Christie Marie M - December 22, 2010 - Report this comment
Nice to see you writing again, Andria! Yep, two more days of XMas coming! Still got some last minute shopping and the malls around me are open 24 hours a day for people who are in need to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Ugh, think of all the bustle and jostle. Hope you have a great holidays and here's some Yuletide 5's for this one!
Patrick - December 23, 2010 - Report this comment
Andria, I live in a community where profanity (in English and Spanish) are the indigenous languages. I rarely find profanity in songs to be of much creative value. The story I heard about C.G. Allin, many years ago, was that he would fling his own feces into the audience. Didn't he die a premature death as well? My musical tastes actually run more to instrumental music than vocals, hence my interest in the mysterious Carol King track. I was with a friend one time who was driving his teenage daughter's car. When he turned the key, the radio (cassette player) came on before the engine even started, which is typical with teenagers. She had a 2 Live Crew tape. The curse words were the only ones I could understand, the rest was just undifferentiated noise. My buddy took the tape out of the player, opened the door, and slammed it against the cassette. A bit extreme! I heard they beat the "rap" so to speak, in a Florida obscenity trial, by having a middle-aged white guy read the lyrics in a normal tone of voice without emphasis or emotion. It became obvious that what offended the prosecutors was not the four-letter words or misogyny, it was the real or feigned anger of a bunch of young Black dudes. I can only imagine how the New York City detectives who busted Lenny Bruce on stage actually talked when they were back at the station. Keep working on a better computer, I might be prepared to pay a substantial sum for a CD of that track. I don't have another 30 years to look for it.
Andria - April 04, 2011 - Report this comment
Sorry for the late replies, but thanks, CMM, you are always appreciated, and Patrick, what an interesting story. GG Allin did die young, of a heroin and alcohol overdose, and he did fling poo and do many other nasty things on stage. If I ever get my hands on the Carole King track again with a better computer, I will give it to you for free via e-mail out of kindness and your love of the song.

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