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Song Parodies -> "When Georgie Lies"

Original Song Title:

"When Smokey Sings"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"When Georgie Lies"

Parody Written by:

Michael Pacholek

The Lyrics

I've forgotten who called Iraq the "Bay of Goats," but he's right.
Dubya's lulling lies in media revealed.
In deep despair on lonely nights, you think his fate ain't sealed.
The darkest times, the sharpest cuts, elections he would steal.

Like a turd in flight, want him out of sight.
Just tell him right to go fly a kite!
He's too far-right, should be out of sight.
Then everything's good in the world... tonight!

When Georgie lies, we see violence!
When Georgie lies, he screws up everything!

As he's stacking the votes
as he's grabbing some throats
his policy slammed
an Iraq "Bay of Goats!"
And Georgie lies, he lies!

Impudence and indolence for sale or rent or hire.
Should he say yes, that he tops Bill, then he's again a liar.
Sympathy still unshown when Georgie's pants catch fire.

Like a turd in flight, want him out of sight.
Just tell him right to go fly a kite!
He's too far-right, should be out of sight.
Then everything's good in the world... tonight!

When Georgie lies, we see violence!
When Georgie lies, he screws up everything!

As he's stacking the votes
as he's grabbing some throats
writing our hell-in-a-handbasket notes!
And Georgie lies, he lies!

Would it be true to say, "Hey, Bush ain't so bad!"
Yes, Bush is so bad today!
Would it be true to say, "Hey, Bush ain't so bad!"
Yes, Bush is so bad today!

(instrumental break)

When Georgie lies, we see violence!
When Georgie lies, he screws up everything!

As he's stacking the votes
as he's grabbing some throats
we display the quotes
to prove George lies.
George lies.
Georgie lies!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.7
How Funny: 3.7
Overall Rating: 3.7

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

User Comments

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educate me - July 17, 2004 - Report this comment
oh, you mean a lie like "I did not have relations with that woman"?
John Barry - July 17, 2004 - Report this comment
DKTOS, but I'll give you Bush's IQ, 15, for the sentiment alone.
Michael Pacholek - July 17, 2004 - Report this comment
Clearly, the first commenter NEEDS an education, but since when do Republicans care about education? The lie you mentioned above didn't kill anybody or deny anyone their civil liberties. Bush's lies are, collectively, one of the biggest disgraces in American history. Bush has really blown it, a far bigger "blow" job than anything Bill Clinton was ever involved in.
Joe Mama - July 17, 2004 - Report this comment
What about: "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein is a threat to America." Or when the 9/11 commission said there were no ties between Iraq and 9/11, and Cheney kept saying that there were ties. Then, the commission asked Dick nicely for some evidence concerning this and all he said was "Well, they could of!" Doesn't sound very truthful to me. I smell Halliburton. Can you?
Joe Mackela - July 11, 2006 - Report this comment
The first commentator is right. Bill Clinton not only lied, he lied under oath and committed purgery. In 1996 he had a better chance than any President to capture Osama Bin Laden. Is it easy for me to blame Clinton? Yes it is, he was so busy with Monica Lewinsky and increasing taxes that he didn't have time to be serious about defending our country. Many people ask the question "What would Clinton do?" Heres my answer. Its a scary thought if you ask me. Don't blame us "insensitive Republicans" that we are in a deficit now. If you were real Democrats you would blame Clinton. Many people say Jesus Christ was a Democrat. Yes he was, except he was a real Democrat.
Immoral Liberal - July 11, 2006 - Report this comment
No, "educate me" - here's an education for you - he means like "Mission Accomplished", "Kenny Boy was only an acquaintance", "We'll get Osama bin Laden", "God told me to invade Iraq", "I did not pay for that 1971 abortion for my girlfriend", "We have a plan for Victory in Iraq", and "Saddam has WMD"- keep drinking the kool aid. For the kool aid drinking extremist Joe Mackela - lying under oath about consensual sex didn't kill and maim thousands of Americans in Iraq, nor did it kill or maim tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens. However, Dubya's lying to the American public did. Might I also remind the Kool Aid drinkers that Dubya vowed to get Osama after the air strike on the World Trade Center. You fascists will just go on lying and libeling anyone who gets in your way - what would your Jesus think of you. Blood is on your right-wing extremist fascist hands. Dubya - perhaps the worst president in American History.
Alekcam Eoj - July 11, 2006 - Report this comment
The first commentator is wrong. George not only lied about his war service, he lied about his girlfriend's abortion in 1971 and WMD in Iraq . In 2002 he had a better chance than any President to capture Osama Bin Laden but decided to go into Iraq instead. Is it easy for me to blame Bush? Yes it is, he was so busy with Saddam Hussein and wrecking the economy that he didn't have time to be serious about defending our country. Many people ask the question "What would Jesus say?" Heres my answer. He says that Bush is a scary man - a sinner, if you ask him. Don't blame us "sensitive democrats" because we voted for Gore and left office with a surplus - now depleted several times over. If you were real Americans you would blame Bush. Many people say Jesus Christ was a Democrat. Yes he was, except he despised republicans who lie while invoking his name.
Joe Mackela - July 13, 2006 - Report this comment
Nice try Alekham, its cracks me up listening to you Democrats. First of all at least Bush was doing something serious when he went into Iraq. Saddam Hussein did kill people. Al Queda is also in Iraq. He was in fact being serious about defending our country. Its no use though, its hard for a "kool aid drinking extremist" like me to argue with idiots. The economy is bad, Ill admit that because I admit things, but it is a heck of a lot better than it would have been if Al Gore was President. In fact if Al Gore had won this would be the United States of Gore. All he would do to the terrorist was sing to them " This land is your land, this land is my land so come and take it, cause you can have it, from the redwood forests to the gulf stream waters, come and take and seeee if we care." You should all be glad he wasnt President when the Terrorists attacked us.
Alekcam Eoj - July 13, 2006 - Report this comment
Joe, we see that the kool aid is working just fine on you. You right-wing fundamentalist fascists conveniently forget that it was Bin Laden who attacked us - but I guess when you can't get the guy who is responsible, you get anyone. You people just love war - "I wanna Kill, Kill, Kill." And what an ignorant comment about the person who actually won the 2000 election (Al Gore) - how would you know? Are you Kreskin? Here's the deal - and I'll try to make it simple so that you right-wingers can follow - Americans in places like New York, DC and possibly LA are walking targets - your president has done nothing to protect them. In fact, the administration believes that New York is not only icon-less but also safe from terror. Are you people living in some alternate Universe? Finally, there is no positive spin that you or Ann Coulter or any other of your fascist friends can put on Iraq - Bush failed - it was wrong to go in, innocent people have suffered and been maimed, your plan isn't working, you have no plan to get out and Osama is still out there. The party is over for you war mongers. Keep on lyin'
Immoral Liberal - July 13, 2006 - Report this comment
It must be beginning to get lonley being a fascist. The American people are starting to figure out that they have been lied to for the past six years. They're not as well off as they were under the great President Clinton. All their taxpayer money gone to an unjust, unwarranted impeachment, an unjust and unwarranted war in Iraq. The president is responsible for killing tens of thousands of innocent people globally; his wife killed a teen. The kool aid is starting to taste the same. Osama bin Laden is still out there. The economy sucks. Corruption within the fascist party is rampant. Soon it will be morning in America again - after the democrats take this country back. We'll have gay marriage, choice, vibrators will be legal again and guns will be banned.
Joe Mackela - July 13, 2006 - Report this comment
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!! The great President Clinton of what? China? You guys expect that Bush can do everything. Your going to write me back and say Bill Clinton couldnt do everything neither. My answer to that will be what did he do? That comment was the biggest laugh yet today. Gay marriage, choice, vibrators will be legal again. Yeah and it will come from my tax money. What do you want Bush to do, pave the streets with gold. Even if he did make a mistake, it was a good mistake. Call me what you want, but that is my opinion.
Joe Mackela - July 13, 2006 - Report this comment
What did Bill Clinton do that made him a great President? Name me at least 20 things he did?
Joe Mackela - July 14, 2006 - Report this comment
Well, give me some examples.
Joe Mackela - July 16, 2006 - Report this comment
When its morning in America with the Democrats taking over, what will evening be like? Them Democrats will and have robbed you blind. Many say Clinton took from the rich and gave to the poor. What he did was took from the poor and gave to the Clintons and the chinese and the Democratic Party. Democrats are alot more corrupt than Republicans.

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