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Song Parodies -> "Glued on You"

Original Song Title:

"Who Are You"

Original Performer:

The Who

Parody Song Title:

"Glued on You"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

If "on a whim" and "super strength adhesive" ever come into contact, it's never gonna turn out well...
Glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue
Glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue
Glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue
Glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue

I know I shouldn't leave you home, mate
You always do somethin' strange
But we were low on meat, I said "Hold tight
Don't do nothin' dumb", downfall was plain
A double negative, so you found
A loophole in my words there
Broke into my craft supplies and so now
I think I might go spare

Shit's glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Just random stuff, I groan (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
It's all glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Cause you felt you could, you dope (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)

Found a whole tube, a bit shocked now
I thought I lost that thing
But since it's wasted, I lower my brow
And just look at what now sticks:
Sixteen pens, two coffee cups
A whole stack of Post-Its, a waste
Bouquet of flowers, a fryin' pan
And my custom Mario ashtray

All glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Oh-oh-oh, glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Now all my stuff's glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Oh, why's it glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)?

Glued on you

Glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue
Glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue
Glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue
Glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue
You really are a dope (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Easily-amused dope (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
With all that shit glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
You really look the part, you dope (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)

Now to get all that shit off
Will take real elbow grease
Surprised you went for legs and arms
Since that's where you're the most hairy
Well, they might not be anymore
Because I'm really pissed
So I'm tempted to rip these objects right out
That'll show you, stupid twit

Shit's glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Man, it's really glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Oh, and it's all stuff I own (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Why is my stuff glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)?
C'mon, c'mon, dude (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Oh, glued it all on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Glued on you (glued on you, glue, glue, glue, glue)
Oh, why's it glued on you (glued on you, glue)?
You are the greatest dope (glue)
Oh, I can't leave you alone (glue)
Such a doofus, glued on you (ah-ah), you, you, ow, you (yeah)

Of course, everyone knows the cure for this situation: terror sweat!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.7
How Funny: 3.7
Overall Rating: 3.7

Total Votes: 3

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

User Comments

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🖕🏼 - October 16, 2019 - Report this comment
Fussbudget - October 17, 2019 - Report this comment
Ooh, I'm so freakin' cool hiding behind my hand emoji.

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