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Song Parodies -> "Charles Rangal What Is He?"

Original Song Title:

"Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee"

Original Performer:

The Musical Grease

Parody Song Title:

"Charles Rangal What Is He?"

Parody Written by:

Linda Terhune

The Lyrics

If it were not so, I would tell you!
Charles Rangal what is he?
How'd this man every get to be
A congressman who has a mental IQ
Less than Gump's at age two!

Tell me now, I don't understand
How a man this stupid just can
Get on TV with no facts to give me
As wrong as he could be!

Clinton's best I swear -- was 13-7 out there! --- Bush cut that so far 2 percent ---
Families brought out of poverty's glare --- Billy could not come close to that!

So, Rangal continued to
Eat his words without a clue
Presented more facts - his tongued tied like glue
Switched thoughts he made up too!

Bush spent one hundred and fifty
Billion more than Billy Baby
For poverty entitlements unmatched now by all
So what's up with you Charles Rangal?

No doubt, Charles is data free
A no fact blowhard left wing extreme
Makes it all up as he puts on a show
Normal for how low dems will go

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.2
How Funny: 3.1
Overall Rating: 3.1

Total Votes: 43

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   19
 2   1
 3   0
 4   0
 5   23

User Comments

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Steve K. - September 28, 2005 - Report this comment
With all the Beatles parodies that showed up today, I was thinking that this was going to be one of "Lovely Rita Meter Maid". Join the Naval Reserves? You mean like John Kerry did?
Michael Pacholek - September 28, 2005 - Report this comment
Charles Rangel is the last remaining member of the House Judiciary Committee to have approved the Articles of Impeachment against Richard Nixon in 1974. Well, there's also Trent Lott, but he got "promoted" to the Senate when that old grand wizard John Stennis finally retired. Charlie's doing all right, despite the fact that he sounds like he hasn't cleared his throat since '74. As for John Kerry, he joined the Navy in full and volunteered for combat, as opposed to Georgie Bush, whose daddy got him into the Champagne Division of the Texas Air National Guard, thus volunteering to NOT see combat. He's never changed. While we're on the subject, Rangel got a Bronze Star in the Army in the Korean War.
Steve K. - September 28, 2005 - Report this comment
Mike, while in the Air National Guard, W tried to apply for a program that sent ANG pilots to Vietnam. By the time he had enough hours to qualify, in '73 or so, the US was pulling pilots out of Vietnam. I find it interesting that the Dems used to say that not having fought in Vietnam didn't mean anything, back when they nominated Clinton, who was NEVER in the military at all, so I guess it's wrong for Republicans and righties to have avoided Vietnam, but OK for Democrats.
Immoral Liberal - September 28, 2005 - Report this comment
Actually, Steve, you have it wrong. It was the republican right who named the great Bill Clinton a draft dodger. Just another example of the hypocritical right-wing. And speaking of the hypocritical right-wing, congrats on the Delay indictment. But I'm sure, according to you fascists, that he did nothing wrong - as it doesn't involve consensual sex. The kool aid continues to work on all of you - enjoy it - the withdrawal is going to be the worst part. "Piss off a Republican, vote Hillary President in 2008"
Linda - September 29, 2005 - Report this comment
Michael: It looks as though you had a problem knowing whom I was talking about in this parody and had to run and look it up, drop a few facts about him one could find in any number of online records to appear to have some knowledge about this poor excuse of a demoncrat congressman. All your enlightening facts aside, the issue at hand was more about the astonishing reality that this man is in some form of office and is allowed to speak openly in a public forum to spread his illogical little thoughts and try to pass his propaganda pushing fantasy ranting off as being factual or even sane. Unfortunately, he is both lacking in facts and most certainly appearing to be insane. I have come to believe, as many have, that this man is not only unfit to speak for his own party, but unfit to be out of a nursing home for the mentally damaged. Between his old age, his practiced to non-perfection autopilot attack mode and his endless journey of campaigning at every opportunity, shows he has little concern for the people in the United States, no respect, no help for anyone on either side and that he is in dire need of some medication or a lobotomy. Therefore, no number of facts that you pull out of your astonishing photographic memory of political figure’s histories will help this man look good. I can’t help but watch his mouth each time he appears on TV --- waiting and watching for the foam I so expect to come bubbling out of that gap he speaks so poorly from. ---------------To immoral liberal: ==== The right wing did not need to label Clinton as a draft dodger, he labeled himself as a draft dodger, mainly because he did dodge the draft and did so by leaving the country. Why is it that the fanatical left sorts, like yourself, do not care to even find out the truth in much of anything and would rather remain ignorant and look stupid than to enrich your minds and figure out what is real and what your herders in their endless campaigning of whines tells you to think
Immoral Liberal - September 29, 2005 - Report this comment
Linda, my fascist friend. I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the loony right - yes, they called Clinton a draft dodger and said he was unfit to be president because he had not served in the military - eight years later the anti-choice, anti-freedom, pro-war, corruption party nominated Dubya who we still don't know where he was when he was supposed to be serving. The hypocrisy is staggering by you bible-thumpers. Which brings me to Tom Delay and the Republican Culture of Corruption. Why don't you get out from under your horse and look at what's really going on out there - because of your Culture of Corruption - the republican days are over. Sucks being a right-winger today, huh? Talk about storms, huh? The Bill Frist scandal, indicted Delay, last week's arrest of a top White House official, the unpopular, unjust war in Iraq, Dubya approval ratings lower than sea level, high gas prices - yes the REPUBLICAN CULTURE OF CORRUPTION. (Thank you Jesus)
Immoral Liberal - September 29, 2005 - Report this comment
Oh, Fascist Linda, speaking of religious nuts, you must be very happy with Roy Blunt replacing the corrupt Tom DeLay, Blunt's a member of the god squad, right? Little problem with son Andrew's activities and his second wife Abigail though. Just a few more pieces to the Republican Culture of Corruption. It must have scared the bejesus out of you though when the trial balloon went up on David Drieier, huh? This gay, I mean guy, is pro-choice and opposes bans on gay marriages. How did you ever let him into your ultra religious nut controlled party? I mean, don't his views go right to the heart of the moral decay of society? Isn't he a walking sinner? Didn't he read the Republican religious fanatic dogma about marriage being only between man and wife or man and beast (not man and man or woman and woman)? It says so in the bible, right?
Michael Pacholek - September 29, 2005 - Report this comment
Let's put it this way: The most powerful Democratic Congressman to be indicted in my lifetime is Dan Rostenkowski. The most powerful Republican Congressman is Tom DeLay. Rosty was guilty, all right, but his crimes were penny-ante compared to DeLay's, and hurt far fewer people, and he served his time (under two years). And, despite Rosty being a holdover from the old Richard J. Daley (father of the current Chicago Mayor) machine, it was DeLay who stole an election (he's the guy who ordered the Cubans to stop the recount in Miami in 2000). Rosty was proud of being a guy who raised taxes to create jobs. DeLay is proud of having been an exterminator who compares the Environmental Protection Agency to the Gestapo. I'm glad to take the side I've taken.
Linda - September 30, 2005 - Report this comment
Immoral Liberal; you certainly picked a fitting name for yourself, but hardly original as your entire demoncrat party can be summed up as Immoral Liberals. While I do understand that those of you who are still in deep denial about the pride you carry so bitterly when you lost in the presidential election nearly eleven month’s ago, I do not understand why you have taken up your bitterness as a hobby and your disrespect as a habit. Those of you still living in your bitter denial of pride and basking in your attacks do so merely because you are still extremely immature and have not acquired the tools and skills of a normal intelligent adult needed to discover pride in yourself and cope with it. Rather, you continue to thrive on feeding your wounded egos by taking glory in hating and spreading it to all within earshot, (or eyeshot in come cases). It remains a mystery to me that you continue with your miserable existences by closing your eyes to your own intensely moronic statements and catch phrases that have been passed on from one loser sheep like yourself to the next loser sheep repeatedly for months and months! It is as if your herd thinks they are new, real, believable, witty or even sane. It is strange that your family or good close friends, (if you have any), do not help you out and show their care for you by cluing you in on a few things you really should know. For example, the fact that you sound like a complete idiot and show no signs of maturity or the capacity to mature should be on the top of their list of good helpful things your should know. But I suppose they do not care about you as much as they obviously should and that is very sad. ---- Nevertheless, I have noticed that you seem to enjoy using the word “fascists”. It is clearly a word that seems to give you some sort of powerful feeling inside, some gratification and some “appearance” maybe of being a smart guy. I have taken a mental note of a lot of the catch phrases and names that are the favorites of those who are living in the loser abyss place as you are and have found that word to be used up months ago. Perhaps you just caught on to its popular use, its poor attempt to “really score” some ego points and since you are late in the game, you are making up for it by using it redundantly. A better road to take, in my opinion, would be the more original and more truthful or factual one and c one up with your own words and phrases to use, that would make you look at least a tiny bit smarter than you will ever be in real life. .
Linda - September 30, 2005 - Report this comment
cont........ for Immoral Liberal.......... Because, dear immoral liberal guy, that word you got from your fellow sheep is merely an old word used for effect, to hurt, harm, attack and unfortunately, the use is incorrect and since it is so off base and obviously untrue in every sense, it really has no impact on those you use it on. Most Republicans who you have had the pleasure attacking, prob. think you are really just lame. I read your first post and it was void of anything at all of merit and just full of silly little name calling, (the grade school level variety), and nothing of substance. No facts to back up your name calling names, not reality other than the twisted and angry feelings of a sore loser coming out to show off how silly he really is. In the end, you just verified to me that you are the moron I thought you were when I first read a post of yours. Typical newbie hotheaded demoncrats who love to attack Bush and say bizarre and bizarre statements like yours, really have no use for facts, no need for them and no desire for them. That is why you cannot address the song/parody, and needed to just call silly names, feed that ego, and remain in the childish state you are in, and that is about it. Your whole line of Clinton and his dodging the draft comments seem to me were just written off the cuff without any thought at all. You surely must have seen when you re-read your posts later that you made no point, no sense at all and that you just backed up nothing with the fact you wanted to be known about Clinton, three times was it? You did remind others about the cowardly Clinton, (cowards run in your party too), and you did manage to inform those who may not have known Clinton skipped out of the country to run from the draft like the slime, the un-American wah wah slime he is --- and for that I say, good job! === I will read your second post later, I have work today, I have to earn money == because after all, I need to support your lazy welfare arse and then also help pay for all those women on welfare who want to exercise their rights and kill a baby or millions at the expense of taxpayers, like me. See unlike you, I chose to do something with my life other than hang around whining and wasting it by turning my mind and personality into a raging, bitter little loser thing who is stuck on stupid and who may in reality, never get a chance at maturity.
Immoral Liberal - September 30, 2005 - Report this comment
Linda, you fascist un-patriotic American. You are part of the Republican Culture of Corruption. I'd really like to read your rant, but it's much too long - get to the point. Stolen Election, Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Bill Frist, the unjust war - the murder and maiming of innocent citizens of the world, allowing those in New Orleans to suffer - need I go on. Just keep drinking the kool aid, wrap yourself in the flag, invoke the name "Jesus" and you and your flock continue to pull the wool over the eyes of 50% of the population. Murderer,, liar, fascist, religious nut.
LT says - September 30, 2005 - Report this comment
"See unlike you, I chose to do something with my life other than hang around whining..."
Um, yeah.
Immoral Liberal - September 30, 2005 - Report this comment
Fascist Linda - ye who likes to taketh away our rights and freedom - I forgot to ask you - are they putting speed in the kool-aid now? Your posts just ramble on aimlessly. Tom Delay is due in court today - will you be attending? The death toll continues to climb in Iraq - but where is Osama? Why wasn't the billions spend on the unjust Iraqi war used to find Osama instead? You may want to begin praying that there isn't a god because if there is, you're going to hell. HAHAHA. The blood is on your hands you fascist. Murderer. Liar.
Immoral Liberal - September 30, 2005 - Report this comment
Oh Fascist Linda, you kool-aid drinking hypocrite. Looks like one of your shepherds is not only a racist by an advocate of selective abortion. Remember that moral patriot William Bennet - of course you do, I'm sure you have all his right-wing slanted books. Well, here's a quote from him" "If you wanted to reduce crime . . . you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." Do you agree with that statement? How about an answer short and to the point - not some ramble rant filled with nonsense. Now is this anyway for a shepherd of the Jesus freaks to act? What would Jesus think?
Linda - September 30, 2005 - Report this comment
Immoral Liberal --- my points proven
Linda - September 30, 2005 - Report this comment
Immoral Liberal; Oh goodie, yet another post of the same exact infantile content as your last one and the one before that and the one before that…. Same old words that you have learned from hanging around your herd, same old concepts, same immaturity, same schoolyard mentality, in other words, same old programmed crap, do you have no mind of your very own? Bet your parents are really ashamed about you, having failed you so miserable and now must face the fact that their kids is a total moron sheep who couldn’t come up with an original thought if paid good money to do so. ----- PS Your request for a short answer rather than a “ramble rant filled with nonsense” is not a very credible request being that asked several “nonsense” questions calling names like a two year old, (about the same old hang-ups you own). If you had real question not just terribly poor attempts at sarcasm with childish off-topic “Jesus freak” crap thrown in, maybe I would take your post seriously. For now, and seemingly forever, I will just go with the apparent truth in this situation -- that you have no capacity to think rationally, to correspond or to act like a mature adult with a sound mind… i.e., You are a person who I find is very difficult to take even remotely seriously
Immoral Liberal - September 30, 2005 - Report this comment
Linda my fascist friend - so full of hate - so full of lies. What is your point? Do you have one? Why don't you bother to answer the questions - because you can't. Your circular logic won't cut it. Again, how do explain the actions of your shepherd Tom Delay - or has the Heritage Foundation not put out their talking points yet? And, that moral crusader Bennet? You are part of this Republican Culture of Corruption, aren't you? Just keep rambling on. (Here's a hint: your flock might bother to read your post if you made sense and if they were shorter). But you'll find no converts here. Still waiting for many answers - but you're still waiting for your talking points, aren't you? Murderer, liar, racist, fascist.
linda - September 30, 2005 - Report this comment
Immoral Liberal = you are an incredible bore, a redundant fanatical juvenile who obviously cannot read or comprehend. I will say it one more time and if you do not understand it, ask your mommy for help, (if she is able to read that is). You are not asking questions, you are taking opportunities to display your fanatical ideas and call me names as if you have never evolved from the mentality you owned in the 4th grade while trying to be a “big shot” on the playground but failing miserably. You were completely unable to address the parody topic on this page, so you started to fling insults dug up from what the more clue-in bashers were saying 8 months ago or more. They have been overused and are so outdated that they have become tired, sorry, and ineffective and do not move me in the slightest. You are way behind in your trashing lingo and only have a small arsenal that you have now finally “caught onto” " words and phrases created by raving idiots like yourself, to feed the slower sheep, like you. But you are a winner in that you have to be the most immature and pathetically boring person at this site who has ever responded to me or commented on one of my parodies, congratulations, you won for the biggest loser! I offered to answer your questions with the condition that you refrain from using your bully schoolyard tactics, which make you look like a total idiot to say the least and you could not handle it. You are stuck on stupid and it is not worth my time responding do such a clueless and mindless little boy. I made the effort and offered answers, but you are just too lame to even understand the concept of acting like an educated adult. By the way, you obviously did not take note when I told you your ideas were very unoriginal - I noticed that when you write each time you include most of the very same things I posted to you, point for point. The only difference is that you use your own trashy, classless learned words and phrases to express them. If you are not the ultimate example of a person with a completely non-functional brain with unoriginal thinking, I surely do not know who is. Now toddle back to your playground and try to empress the young children there with your hotshot talk and name-calling and divisional crap, you will have better luck with those your own mental age and mentality. Debating you is like debating Gump when he was six years old and I just do not care to take the time with such a mindless loser as yourself.
The Rib Tickler - October 02, 2005 - Report this comment
I heard George Bush smells of wee.
Linda - October 03, 2005 - Report this comment
The Rib Tickler "you must have some incredibly tasteful people running in your circle, very commendable! I simply adore you repugnant left -- I do so look forward to another win in 08, and your sort is so helpful to my cause.
Immoral LIberal - October 03, 2005 - Report this comment
Piss off the Republican Culture of Corruption - Elect Hillary President in 2008.
Larebil Larommi - December 10, 2005 - Report this comment
Piss off leftist potheads like IL everywhere - tell them about Joe Lieberman and remind them that Bush won in 2000.
Vic - December 12, 2005 - Report this comment
Charles "Rangal"? Who's he? Does he own a "Bangal" tiger?
Immoral Liberal - December 12, 2005 - Report this comment
Pot should be legalized. Hey Larebil Larommi, Joe Lieberman is actually a republican posing as a democrat - and the idiot in the White House will be appointing him to the cabinet soon. Bush stole the 2000 election - where were you?
Linda - May 10, 2006 - Report this comment
Larebil Larommi -- I totally agree......... but one cannot tell people who are so very stuck on themselves, egocentric and who would rather kill their first born than accept their loss and get a clue --- hopeless sheep who are being used and led/fed by black herders who have nothing to lose and are evil sucks & they don't even have the smarts to figure it out... sad. --------- ------- 0000000 00000000 ----------- ------ Immoral Liberal - whined: --- --- ""Pot should be legalized. Hey Larebil Larommi, Joe Lieberman is actually a republican posing as a democrat - and the idiot in the White House will be appointing him to the cabinet soon. Bush stole the 2000 election - where were you?""" --- -- -- If pot were legalized, there would be more like you (and gad knows that would destroy the country fast).............. .. .. Love the Lieberman comment, who taught you that one? I love it cuz your party turns on their own all the time!!!!!!!!!! It's the most bizare thing too! --- moveon org, turned on kerry right after he lost BIG TIME attacking, they hate anyone who is not some freak extremist like you, (only you have that problem and the other one.... you know.... that 'brain damaged' thing.... the one where you can't think for yourself, just repeat crap you've heard in the past - even the ancient things that you just now 'memorized' and are using) Gad, cross your party for a few votes for the PEOPLE FIRST (not party line rubber stamping, but for the people) and you are all like lynching mobs....) ------ great for the country, a bunch of people who must agree with all the rest all the time all votes all opinons or the nut cases like you turn your back on them.... that's a low party, it's typical of the dems today, but it's still low and nasty.... you should be ashamed, (and prob. do not even know why you are supposed to NOT like him.... . -- yeah demoncrats -- -- what shining stars! == === = finally, calling the president names only makes you look like an idiot yourself. I would bet you don't even have a job, (even with the unemployment at an all time LOW), or do much of anything other than put others down... a two year old child born retarded could out-preform you... so you have no room to talk, (and no clue) about bush or anyone else.... ------ the "stolen election" --- another example of why you are so dim with this stuff..... you don't even know any better than what you are fed huh? ------------- The highest elect. votes wins - freak... clearly bush had them, clearly gore did not have them.... clearly we are lucky he did not have them --- his turning out to be a nut and all.....
Immoral Liberal - May 10, 2006 - Report this comment
I'm sorry Linda, your psychosis is getting worse; reading your rants is a chore. Is it the medication? Or lack thereof? Here's an idea, how about trying to write your thoughts clearly and concisely? But I do understand how tough that is, given your mental state. Oh, by the way, clearly "Dumb-a-ya" did not have the votes. Good try though.
Linda - May 14, 2006 - Report this comment
Immoral Liberal ---- typical redundant crap, huh Immoral? Never address facts, just use that old play book of demoncrat's dirty plays of, hmm, I believe 2004. You avoid facts all the time, just make snide remarks and insults. I suppose that is because you have nothing else to defend your criminal party with huh? You have less knowledge than almost everyone here & don't really care you look like an idiot with your little boy remarks having nothing to do with the subject at hand. If you think people don't notice, you're very wrong!
Immoral Liberal - May 15, 2006 - Report this comment
Ouch, oh that comment hurt coming from a psychotic. But I have to admit, your medication must be working, your drivel is getting shorter and clearer. You just make things up and call them facts. I'm pulling for your recovery Linda - as a liberal, we understand that mental health problems are serioius and we're willing to give you all the help you need - good luck getting your mind back.
David Duke - August 16, 2006 - Report this comment
Yes, go ahead and insult Charles Rangal. How dare we tolerate a congressperson that isn't white or dedicated to our cause! God bless you, Linda and everyone else that agrees with her sentiment!
linda - November 26, 2007 - Report this comment
Silly David Duke - it has nothing to do with his color or with what he supports or believes! It is called lying, making up facts and blowing smoke out of his arse! I don't know where you got the junk you wrote, but obviously you thought it made sense and was a good post, so bask in your bliss, ignorant as it is, bask away!
Ooh I Love That - November 26, 2007 - Report this comment
Linda's comment is probably accurate about liars. . .because it takes on to know one!

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