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Song Parodies -> "The Stag Patronus"

Original Song Title:

"The Grand Illusion"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"The Stag Patronus"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Song #9 of my "Styx Sing Harry Potter" collection. This one is taken from the 3rd book "Prisoner of Azkaban" where Harry Potter first comes into contact with these creepy hooded Grim Reaper-looking ghosts that suck out your soul, make the room freezing cold and have you lose all happiness. Harry Potter faints every time he sees them so his Dark Arts professor Remus Lupin helps him by teaching him the spell "Expecto Patronum" which is the spell used to defeat these creatures.
Learn to cast the Stag Patronus
With this spell you must stay focused
With bright lights kill Dementors with each blow

They're a threat since you keep fainting
On the train you're knocked out coldly
They quite frequently disrupt your scar

You'll be schooled by this werewolf bloke
Blast creepies into smithereens
The guards at Azkaban that give you the willies
Dark robes hide their abnormalities

You're through with the strife of getting contusions
Passed out on brooms at Quidditch games
You've just got to cast this the Stag Patronus
Helps to avoid you getting maimed
That's a pain!

[Guitar Solo as Lupin teaches Harry the spell]

This spell cuts like a knife, A magic solution
Cause the Death Eaters got them paid
Just make sure to cast this the Stag Patronus
And the Grim Reapers will sure fade

Knocked out cold them eat some chocolate
They'll chow on your soul like an omelet
Happiness is gone, It's quite bizarre

You're not doomed now Harry Potter
Once you've learned this you will slaughter
An A's your grade
Go rip these rotters all the hell apart!

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.6
How Funny: 2.6
Overall Rating: 2.6

Total Votes: 5

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   3
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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