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Song Parodies -> "Star Wars Grand Conclusion"

Original Song Title:

"Grand Illusion"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Star Wars Grand Conclusion"

Parody Written by:

L. Mike

The Lyrics

Star Wars The Grand Conclusion

Welcome to the Grand conclusion
Come on in and see what's happening
Pay the price, get your tickets for the show
The stage is set, the film starts rolling
Suddenly your heart is pounding
Wishing secretly you were a star.

But don't be fooled by the radio
The TV or the magazines
They show you photographs of how the film should be
But they're just someone else's fantasy
So if you think watching this film is complete confusion
Because you never won the game
Just remember that it's the Grand conclusion
And it won't be shone again.
Won't be shone again...

So if you think watching this film is complete confusion
Because your neighbors saw it already
Just remember that it's the Grand conclusion
And it won't be shone again.
Won't be shone again...

Star Wars spells expedition, join us in our blind ambition
Get yourself a ticket to the show
Someday soon we'll stop to ponder what on Earth's this spell we're under
We made the grade and still we wonder who kills padame.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 1.5
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 2

Voting Breakdown

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   2

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