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Song Parodies -> "The Deer Got Shot Down?"

Original Song Title:

"The Tears of a Clown"

Original Performer:

Smokey Robinson & The Miracles

Parody Song Title:

"The Deer Got Shot Down?"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

The tale of a child's confusion at an infamous scene from a beloved Disney classic. And by "a child" I mean "literally me".
Oh yeah-eah, yeah, yeah-eah

When I was a chi-ild, six, I'd say
I would watch Disney cartoo-oons abundant
As a concept, ca-an't be ne-ew to you-ou
But there was one film, I didn't love it (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)
In all of my watching sessions (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)
Confu-used was my expression
Music was sa-a-a-ad (sad, sad, sad, sad)
The palette was dra-ab (boring and drab)
I saw Bambi walk to his Da-ad (his aloof, asshole dad)
Think the sound quality was quite ba-ad (bad, bad, bad, bad)
I somehow failed to understa-and (ooh-ooh)
No, I didn't gra-asp the fa-act (ooh-ooh)
The dee-eer got shot do-own
Bambi's mu-um on the grou-ound

Oh yeah-eah, baby

To be somewhat fai-air to young, du-umb me
It makes sense why I would miss the sadness
The scene directly-y a-after was bri-ight
And colourful, with tweeting birds of gladness (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)
That owl explained boners to you (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)
Admit tha-at's just what he did, dude
I still didn't kno-o-o-ow (still did not know)
Where'd Bambi-i's mum go-o-o (where did she go)?
The dialogue, in one ear flo-owed (one ear it flowed)
And then right out the other like so-o, true-ue-ue stu-uff (right out like so)
Can't recall when I learned tha-at (ooh-ooh)
That sou-ound was a ba-ang, meant tha-at (ooh-ooh)
The dee-eer got shot do-own
I feel so-o stupid no-ow
Oh yeah

You could call me a dumb shi-it (yes, you could, no-ow)
It's true, all of that sadness mi-issed (ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)
When it tops "Sad Scenes" lists, I-I (on all those lists no-ow)
Just smile and nod and ro-oll my eye-eyes
The dee-eer got shot do-own (ooh-ooh-ooh)?
If you sa-ay it did no-ow
Oh yeah-eah, baby-y

Even as a chi-ild, I would sa-ay (deer got shot down? Ooh-ooh-ooh)
Couldn't recall what happened (deer got shot down?)
The cli-imax, I've forgotten (ooh-ooh-ooh)
Cause I didn't really ca-are (deer got shot down?)
'Bout that film, yes, I went the-ere (ooh-ooh-ooh)
Not that Bambi's ba-a-a-a-ad, no
Just av'rage, ma-an (deer got shot down?)

Seriously, this is my experience with Bambi. Cutesy drivel, dark scene in the snow that I didn't get, cutesy drivel, forgotten ending.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 4.5
Overall Rating: 4.5

Total Votes: 8

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   8

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Jonathan - June 06, 2016 - Report this comment
I can relate C_O_P not to not knowing that Bambi's mom died I got that I mean I can relate to not particularly liking Bambi as a movie as you said it was just average not great it definitely had nothing on a lot of other Disney movies and I am a huge fan of Disney's older movies! something about Bambi just fell flat... and I ain't talkin' about his mother! 5's
Agrimorfee - June 17, 2016 - Report this comment
Not only was this something I never heard/read in a parody before, I like that you didn't make the parody all about that one scene, you interpolated many other moments and ideas. On an aesthetics note by the way, TCOP, I know this has been your style for some time, but for me it is more difficult to read the stretched out vowels that you add for pacings-sake than not ("like so-o, true-ue-ue stu-uff").
Blaydeman - June 24, 2016 - Report this comment
(Artistry) I always found Bambi to be pretty boring. Haven't seen it in years, maybe I should revisit it and see what I think of it now. As for your skewering of it, I thought it worked well. I'm glad you didn't get stuck on that one initial idea of the song and were able to hit other themes as well. Well crafted, but to be honest, I didn't laugh all that much. Definitely nodded in agreement a lot though!
Abbott Skelding - June 24, 2016 - Report this comment
Surprisingly, I've never seen Bambi (or many other Disney classics). I know the story and you described it pretty well. Your title sub is spot on, although I think the sad subject matter with the bouncy OS makes for a weird juxtaposition. Overall, nice work!
Max Power - June 25, 2016 - Report this comment
555 pellets from the shotgun that took out part of Bambi's mom's face.
Matthias - June 28, 2016 - Report this comment
Bambi is one of my least favorite films of all time. It has no real plot of story just a life of a deer and the dead mom scene really doesn't pair too well with the overall cutesyness of this movie. Much more of a fan of your parody than the film like Weird Al's "The Saga Begins"

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