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Song Parodies -> "Donnie Darko"

Original Song Title:

"Bohemian Rhapsody"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Donnie Darko"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

My first parody. For those who do not know, Donnie Darko was a movie released in 2001, starring Jake Gyllenhaal (donnie darko) and Jena Malone (gretchen ross)
Why am I out here,
Have I been out all night?
Lost on a golf course,
With no one I know in sight.

Then I get home,
Look up on the roof and see,
Its a jet engine,
Crashed right where my room should be.

I am all alone,
A schizo,
There's a girl I don't know.
If she thinks I'm cute it doesn't really matter to me, to me

Gretchen, I am alone. Kids at school think I'm insane,
Cause I'm in trouble again,
Gretchen, the soon the world will end,
Heard it all from my rabbit friend, Frank.

Gretchen, ooooooh,
Didn't think they'd make you cry,
lets leave the school, and meet again tomorrow,
See you soon, see you soon,
then we'll talk about time travel.

Out late, at the theater,
You're sleeping peacefully,
I'm skipping the movie,
Goodbye, Gretchen, I've got to go,
Gotta burn the bad guy's house down to the ground,

Gretchen, I did the job,
Gotta get back home,
No one can find out I burned it down,

I see a giant Bunny rabbit in the seat,
Name is Frank, Name is Frank, will shoot him in the eye later,
Removes the big mask then he turns and speaks to me
Donnie Darko, Donnie Darko, Donnie Darko, Donnie Darko,
Donnie Darko's a hero, get up and go,

After the party, let's find ms. Sparrow,
After the party, we'll find ms. Sparrow,
world's ending soon, so we've gotta go.

Let's go fast, take the bikes, Get out there tonight,
Gretchen run, Ack, look out for those guys, (behind you!)
Gretchen run, Ack, look out for those guys, (behind you!)
Gretchen run, Ack, look out for those guys, (behind you!)
(will not let her go)
Let her go, (will not let her go)
Let her go, (will not let her go)
Never let her live,
She ain't breathin', She ain't breathin'. She ain't breathing any mo'
Got to go back and set things right for her, for her, for her.

Screamin' in pain an' rage after watching her die,
Took the gun out and shot ol' Frank right in the eye,
Oh, Gretchen, how could they do this to you Gretchen,
gotta time travel, gotta time travel outta here!

(warps back and engine crashes)
Smash! Bang! Crash Bam!

Never knew that kid,
who died in the fall,
Never knew D. Darko, never knew D. Darko, at all.
hope you liked it.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 4

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
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 5   4

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