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Song Parodies -> "One Choke Hold At A Time"

Original Song Title:

"One Toke Over The Line"

Original Performer:

Brewer & Shipley

Parody Song Title:

"One Choke Hold At A Time"

Parody Written by:

William Tong

The Lyrics

Dedicated to Emperor Dubya Bush, the Torturer-In-Chief
(instrumental intro)

One choke hold at a time, says Dubya, one choke hold at a time.
Torture by Bush's administration: one choke hold at a time.
Rationales insane, and at home, he'd bury
Constitution, for his war crime.
Torture by Bush's administratration: one choke hold at a time.

Who... loves the Shrub? Fellow thugs, you see.
Nothing's changing... Shrub's right-wing lunacy.
Our Bushie Boy has earned world disdain, leaving thousands dead.
Torture, he'd choose to make his monarchy,
Made him disliked, instead; what slime is...

One choke hold at a time, says Dubya, one choke hold at a time.
Torture by Bush's administration: one choke hold at a time.
Rationales insane, and at home, he'd bury
Constitution, for his war crime.
Torture by Bush's administratration: one choke hold at a time.

Thousands he's slain; oil war so vile.
Iraq is still burning; Shrub's showing off his smile.
He's pissing off the world, more torture by his crew, and it's no surprise
Like everything else that Bush has screwed
It made him so despised, more slime is...

One choke hold at a time, says Dubya, one choke hold at a time.
Torture by Bush's administration: one choke hold at a time.
Rationales insane, and at home, he'd bury
Constitution, for his war crime.
Torture by Bush's administratration: one choke hold at a time.

One choke hold at a time, says Dubya, one choke hold at a time.
Torture by Bush's administration: one choke hold at a time.
Rationales insane, and at home, he'd bury
Constitution, for his war crime.
Torture by Bush's administratration: one choke hold at a time.

(repeat refrain and fade)

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Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 16

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   4
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   12

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