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Song Parodies -> "Put on that Red Dress, Baby "

Original Song Title:

"Hi-Heel Sneakers"

Original Performer:

Tommy Tucker

Parody Song Title:

"Put on that Red Dress, Baby "

Parody Written by:

John Davison

The Lyrics

Put on those fishnet stockings, the ones you wore at Halloween,
Put on those fishnet stockings, the ones you wore at Halloween,
Please wear those fishnet stockings, ’cause they make you look so mean.

Put on that red dress baby, you make it sparkle in the Spring,
Put on that red dress baby, you make it sparkle in the Spring,
Put on that red dress baby, it always makes the party swing.

Put on that red dress baby, we found it in that Blackheath store,
Put on that red dress baby, we found it in that Blackheath store,
Put on that red dress baby, it doesn’t fit me anymore!

I’ve got some Old Crow liquor and my pay cheque in my hand, *
Because even Aldi’s whisky costs far more than we planned.
They’ve had the dancefloor varnished, so it’s high time we made a stand,

Put on those high-heeled sneakers, see how they complement your clothes,
Put on those high-heeled sneakers, see how they complement your clothes
They’ll raise your profile on that dancefloor, and you know they pinch my toes!

Put on your wide hat baby, it keeps the drizzle off your hair,
Put on your wide hat baby, to keep the drizzle off your hair,
Just thread a feather ’neath its ribbon, to make the crowds at Ascot stare.
Old Crow whisky was a low-cost brand originating in the 1830s, distilled by a Scotsman by the name of James C.Crow in Frankfort, Kentucky, USA. The subsequent producer National Distillers was sold in 1987. The Old Crow recipe and its distillery were abandoned and the product became a three-year-old bourbon based on the Jim Beam mashbill. Ascot is a commercial racecourse in southern England where female attendees and gamblers take the opportunity to wear bright stylish clothing, fancy footwear and extravagant hats on race-days. Menfolk also dress well at these occasions but with much less flair and individuality.

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 14

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   14

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