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Song Parodies -> "My Barney Did The Franky Panky"

Original Song Title:

"My Baby Does the Hanky Panky"

Original Performer:

Tommy James and the Shondells

Parody Song Title:

"My Barney Did The Franky Panky"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

So far Tommy James's complex, multi layered treatment of feminine infidelity has been use to address such diverse issues as porcine bestiality, roommate onanism and possible child actor cannibalism. Now I intend to break all previous societal norms by using this song to critique Barney Frank's role in the sub prime mortgage crisis of 2007-2009
My Barney did the Franky Panky
My Barney did the Franky Panky
My Barney did the Banky Panky
My Barney did the Banky Panky
My Barney did the Banky Panky

My Barney did the Banky Panky (Yeah!)
My Barney did the Banky Panky
My Barney wrote the Checky Blanky
My Barney wrote the Checky Blanky
My Barney wrote the Checky Blanky

I saw them walking down to Fannie Mae
You know those lying loaners had their say
A hefty little mortgage that they didn't earn
Until that Monday* when it crashed and burned
They never saw it, never did foresee it

My Barney made the Bankies Tanky
My Barney made the Bankies Tanky
My Barney made the markets cranky
My Barney made the markets cranky
My Barney made the markest cranky

I watched in horror as it all came down (Yeah!)
You know I could've throttled 'litist clowns
I never made a dollar but was forced to bail
And then ringleaders never went to jail
I won't forget this; never will forgive it

My Barney robbed my piggy banky
My Barney robbed my piggy banky
My Barney made my IRA shranky
My Barney made my IRA shranky
My Barney made my IRA shranky

My Barney did the Franky Panky
My Barney saved by Central Banky
Soon dollar's worth Rwandan franc-y .....
*September 15, 2008 the day Lehman Bros filed for bankruptcy and precipitated the Great Financial Panic of 2008

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Voting Results

Pacing: 4.0
How Funny: 4.0
Overall Rating: 4.0

Total Votes: 28

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   7
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   21

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Michael Pacholek - September 05, 2012 - Report this comment
Barney Frank had as much to do with the 2008 economic meltdown as he did with the one in 1929. Liberals don't cause economic collapses, conservatives do.
C. Dodd - September 05, 2012 - Report this comment
Hey, don't forget me!
Callmelennie - September 05, 2012 - Report this comment
Maybe Barney is blameless in your universe Michael, but in my universe he was responsible for policies which encouraged and even pressured banks to approve mortgages for people of various minority persuasions who wouldn't have otherwise have qualified for these mortgages -- all in the name of fairness, of course. And this artificially created demand caused housing prices to inflate to insane levels. The Barn-meister also put the full faith and credit of such as Fannie Mae behind this out of control situation, hence "checky blanky" And once the prices of housing collapsed and these mortgage holders started going into foreclosure, we discovered that the financial structure of the world had been polluted by securities backed by millions of these bad mortgages. So don't tell me Barney Frank had nothing to do with this.
Fact Checker - September 05, 2012 - Report this comment
Facts are stubborn things to Democrats... They keep disagreeing with them.
TooMuchTime - September 05, 2012 - Report this comment
Michael -- I know Barney didn't have anything to do with the 1929 crash because Joe Biden told me that FDR got on the television right after the meltdown in 1929 and asked everyone to stay calm.
constitution guy - September 06, 2012 - Report this comment
liberals forced lenders to create programs that non qualifying people who werent ready to perform could fit into. liberals also promised the lending industry that the government would back them up should a loan default. they didnt back any banks up but odumba used the 2000+ page odumbulous to bail a bunch of his rich supporters out so that's something eh?. liberals making laws so we all can be equal ( and for votes ) creates demise and marxism. welcome to hell if the kenyan clown gets 4 more years to grab more $ from the working class. demoncrats forced lenders to fail.
constitution guy - September 06, 2012 - Report this comment
"Liberals don't cause economic collapses, conservatives do." a typical MP comment that is crap. ALL broke and upside down major cities are or were run into the ground by liberal mayors and such. look it up. . . and since 2007, demoncrats had control of budget spending so they, not bush spent us into hell. odumba voted for it back then too. you idiots are stupid to fall for this " we all can be equal" crap. equally broke and dependent on government is their goal. what is yours? did odumba get us out of the war aug 2010 yet? come on, be honest for once cause you aint fooling anyone. your leaders suck and so do those who support this demise. liberal voters cant be honest. the last 4 years record stupidity stands for itself- liberals have run us into hell.
Callmelennie - September 06, 2012 - Report this comment
Conclusions to be drawn from yeasterday's seven Stuka bombing raid from Amiright's Leftwaffe: When it comes to topics covered by "My Baby Does the Hanky Panky" ... multispecies bestiality -- GOOD!; placing any blame whatsover on Democrats for the Great Panic of 2008 -- UNSPEAKABLE EVIL!!

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