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Song Parodies -> "Fill Your Gut, Blubberbutt"

Original Song Title:

"Fill Me Up, Buttercup"

Original Performer:

The Foundations

Parody Song Title:

"Fill Your Gut, Blubberbutt"

Parody Written by:

South Park Al

The Lyrics

why do you fill your gut, blubberbutt, baby
you just bolt it down (bolt it down)
there's no food in town
and then worst of all (worst of all)
you never share, baby, like you say you will (say you will)
you're stuffed to the gills
you need food...more than anyone, darlin'
there's no way to stop once you start
you fill your gut, blubberbutt...while others starve

they say, once you were thin and showed interest in
the cruel fate... of ethiopians
you started to hoard all the food that was stored
you pigged out...then filled your plate again

(hey hey hey), baby, its a crime
(hey hey hey)...cause you're a swine, and you treat them crappy
(hey hey hey...hunger prone
you sit around at home, waiting for food
ooo-oo-ooo oo-ooo-oo
why do you fill your gut, blubberbutt, baby
you just bolt it down (bolt it down)
there's no food in town
and then worst of all (worst of all)
you never share, baby, like you say you will (say you will)
you're stuffed to the gills
you need food...more than anyone, darlin'
there's no way to stop once you start
you fill your gut, blubberbutt...while others starve

the food you enjoy could feed sick girls and boys
the soil's poor...they can't get food to grow
you sit on your butt, just like jabba the hut
you eat more...than just the average joe

(hey hey hey), baby, its a crime
(hey hey hey)...cause you're a swine, and you treat them crappy
(hey hey hey...hunger prone
you sit around at home, waiting for food
ooo-oo-ooo oo-ooo-oo
why do you fill your gut, blubberbutt, baby
you just bolt it down (bolt it down)
there's no food in town
and then worst of all (worst of all)
you never share, baby, like you say you will (say you will)
you're stuffed to the gills
you need food...more than anyone, darlin'
there's no way to stop once you start
you fill your gut, blubberbutt...while others starve

you need food more than anyone , darlin'
there's no way to stop once you start
fill your gut, blubberbutt...while others starve

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Matches Pace of
Original Song: 
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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.9
How Funny: 4.9
Overall Rating: 4.3

Total Votes: 7

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   1
 3   2
 4   1
 5   3

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Johnny D - March 08, 2004 - Report this comment
Great pacing, internal rhyme, and humorous hyperbole. 5's
south park al - March 08, 2004 - Report this comment
thanks, johnny, glad ya liked
Guy - March 08, 2004 - Report this comment
HEY - more votes here. Click on this and give it a rating. I can't believe that JD was the only guy voted and commented on this all day long.

Great piece of work ALvin. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the original to this Build Me Up Buttercup or have I been hearing this song all wrong since the 1960s? Anyway very fine piece of work and deservin' of the 5s I gave it.
ParodyKeet - March 08, 2004 - Report this comment
555. Next time I donate to the food shelf I'll think of your song.
south park al - March 09, 2004 - Report this comment
yeah, my is BUILD me up....
yupperszz - March 22, 2004 - Report this comment
very impressive... very well done.. the rhymes are funny... pacing is actually a weee bit off, but overall, its great.

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