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Song Parodies -> "Life's A Beach"

Original Song Title:


Original Performer:

The Beatles

Parody Song Title:

"Life's A Beach"

Parody Written by:

Lionel Mertens

The Lyrics

Life's a beach
Says the lifeguard to the Georgia Peach
Who dyed her hair with a ton of bleach
Oh, I believe that life's a beach

So cli·ché
But this beach bum says it anyway
Can't get enough of the ocean's spray
So, life's a beach sounds so cli·ché

In the ocean mist
I hear this - figure of speech
When I see a whale
I regale that life's a beach

Life's a beach
And all its spledor's within my reach
I love seeing what nature can teach
Oh, I believe that life's a beach

Love exploring caves
And surfing waves while seagulls screech!
Cowabunga dude!
I conclude that life's a beach

Life's a beach
It harbors a special place for each
Its saving grace isn't hard to preach
Oh, I believe that life's a beach

Mmm Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm...

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