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Song Parodies -> "(That's where) I Draw The Line"

Original Song Title:

"I Walk The Line"

Original Performer:

Johnny Cash

Parody Song Title:

"(That's where) I Draw The Line"

Parody Written by:

Dawn Watson

The Lyrics

I don't know why you're always on my mind,
I keep thinking that you are just to fine,
I keep watching that other girl standing in line,
Because your mine...(that's where) I draw the line,

I find my mind drifting back and forth between you two,
I find it hard to even look at you,
Yes you could say she's smiling back at you,
Because your mine...(that's where) I draw the line,

As sure as hell she is looking for a fight,
You are my husband that's what makes it right,
And that wedding band on your right hand says
that you're not available tonight,
Because your mine...(that's where) I draw the line,

You've got away from me from time to time,
You've given' me a reason to scratch her eyes out...yep that's right!
For you I've even sporting a new black eye,
Because your mine...(that's where) I draw the line,

(Picture two gal's fist fighting)

I don't know why you're even in line,
You always seem to pick a fight even when you are out with me at night,
Or maybe you'll pay attention to me...instead of that gal you think is so fine,
Because your mine...(that's where) I draw the line...

Because your mine...(that's where) I draw the line...

(Fighting continues...)

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Pacing: 1.5
How Funny: 2.0
Overall Rating: 1.5

Total Votes: 2

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   1
 2   1
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