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Song Parodies -> "Bob Mueller's Song"

Original Song Title:

"King Herod's Song"

Original Performer:

Jesus Christ, Superstar

Parody Song Title:

"Bob Mueller's Song"

Parody Written by:

Barry J. Mitchel

The Lyrics

Recently I saw a performance in modern dress, with King Herod looking like President Trump. In this parody, I switch roles, with Special Counsel- Investigator-Prosecutor Robert Mueller as Herod and Donald Trump as Christ in his court.
Donald, I am overjoyed
To meet you face to face
You've been getting quite the fame
All around this place

Heeling critics
Draining swamps you dread
But now I understand you're flawed
At least that's what they've said

So if you are the Trump
You're the great Donald Trump
Prove new bills that you will sign
Cause high tax bills to decline

That's all you need to do
And I'll know it's all true
C'mon, King of Fake News

Donald, you just won't believe
The fits you've caused around here
You're all that pundits talk about
The blunderer they fear

Oh, what a pity
If they're all deceits
Still I'm sure that you can rock
The cynics with your tweets

So if you are the Trump
You're the great Donald Trump
Screw North Korea and Iran
Block Barack's Clean Power Plan

If you sink those, all three
Then I'll let you go free
C'mon, King of Re-dos

I only ask things
I'd ask any superstar
What is it that you have got
That puts you where you are?

I am waiting, yes,
I'm a captive fan
I'm dying to be shown
That you are just the man who can

So if you are the Trump
Yes, the great Donald Trump
Speed my health care at less cost
You could do it, though you lost

Or has something gone wrong?
Why do you take so long?
Come on, King of Confuse

Hey, aren't you scared of me, Trump?
Mister Donald J. Trump
You're a joke, you're not the Chief
You are nothing but a frump

Take him away
We'll impeach him today
Get out, you King of Law Suits
Get out, you King of Short Fuse
Get out, you King of Hair-dos
Get out of D.C.

I usually favor conservatism in my parodies, but this was my chance to do otherwise. Now I might get 555 not 111 from liberals but 111 from conservatives.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 3.8
How Funny: 3.7
Overall Rating: 3.7

Total Votes: 9

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   2
 2   0
 3   1
 4   1
 5   5

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Pontif Pilot - October 13, 2017 - Report this comment
"Donald Trump" and "Jesus Christ" have the same number of syllables, but the similarity ends there. It's hard to imagine Trump keeping silence when accused. as Christ did.
CML - October 13, 2017 - Report this comment
Jesus kept silent because dying for the sins of man, to include the sin of crucifying an falsely accused man, was the ultimate reason for his time of earth. Trump was not elected to keep silent as his political enemies attempt to undo his election with an infinite number of baseless accusations. In fact, he was elected to do the exact opposite
Claude Prez - October 13, 2017 - Report this comment
I hate all politicians pretty much equally, so I don't have the biases the other commenters apparently have. This is exceptionally well-written; perhaps my favorite of the month so far. One minor rhyming error (I think) near the end but really well done. Oh, and a great OS to do; very fun. Also, Trump and Jesus have way more in common than the number of syllables -- it's a great sub in many ways; I could totally see "Donald Trump Superstar" being a big hit on Broadway. Guess we'll just have to settle for this for now.
Barry J. Mitchel - October 15, 2017 - Report this comment
Thanks, Claude. Lately he's been King of Un-dos, not Re-dos yet. Did you mean Law Suits and D.C. don't rhyme?
Claude Prez - October 16, 2017 - Report this comment
Hi. No, and now I’m embarrassed to be all pedantic— I just enjoyed it so much it jumped out at me that I expected a rhyme for chief. But I haven’t heard the original in a long time so I could totally be wrong so never mind haha
vegnet - August 23, 2019 - Report this comment
The events the past week make this parody more relevant than ever!

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