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Song Parodies -> "Mountain of Hate"

Original Song Title:

"Mountain of Love"

Original Performer:

Harold Dorman

Parody Song Title:

"Mountain of Hate"

Parody Written by:

Michael Pacholek

The Lyrics

(instrumental opening)

Standing on a mountain, looking down on a city.
What he did to our land is a doggoned pity.
Teardrops falling down the mountainside
for all the laws and jobs and people he's caused to have died.
He could never again make
America great
high on a mountain of hate.

Lie after lie, causing wrong after wrong.
Turning on Fox & Friends at cold gray dawn.
Knowing he was going to get his ass kicked by Biden.
In bunkers on golf course and in the White House he was hidin'.
Nothing but "hamberders"
he'd let on his plate
high on a mountain of hate.

The mountain of hate.
The mountain of hate.
He should be ashamed.
He said he'd make
America great
but he tarnished our name.

Way down below, there's a half a million people
waiting for funerals under a church steeple.
Inside the church, there's an altar filled with flowers.
He's at Mar-a-Lago, getting Russian golden showers.
That's why we're so angry
and changed our country's fate
ended his mountain of hate.

The mountain of hate.
The mountain of hate.
He should be ashamed.
He said he'd make
America great
but he tarnished our name.

Way down below, there's a half a million people
waiting for funerals under a church steeple.
Inside the church, there's an altar filled with flowers.
He's at Mar-a-Lago, getting Russian golden showers.
That's why we're so angry
and changed our country's fate
ended his mountain of hate.
Ended his mountain of hate.
Ended his mountain of hate.
Ended his mountain of hate.
(repeat 'til fade)

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Voting Results

Pacing: 1.4
How Funny: 1.4
Overall Rating: 1.4

Total Votes: 44

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   40
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   4

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Patrick - February 01, 2021 - Report this comment
First day in office Biden writes away thousands of pipeline jobs, then opens the border to illegals to take the jobs away from the few who still have them. Signed away our energy independence. Remember $4 a gallon gas under Obama? Coming soon under Obama 3.0. Good luck getting to work if you have any at those prices.
Michael Pacholek - February 01, 2021 - Report this comment
Patrick, you are a goddamned liar. The Keystone Pipeline was NEVER going to create jobs, and it was an environmental disaster. The border has NOT been opened. We will be LESS energy dependent. Don't you get it? America has had enough of you right-wing bastards, Trump most of all. Stop your lying and become an American!
Bella - February 02, 2021 - Report this comment
Remember when this site used to be fun? This sort of exchange is a f***ing disgrace.
Patrick - February 02, 2021 - Report this comment
I thought about what the country has become during the Chiefs/Bears playoff game. A Chiefs player had just tackeled the Bears quarterback. The QB spiked the ball in the Chiefs player's face. Other players from both teams jumped in. It the was the type of brawl I hadn't seen in a long time. It was a disgrace to the game. But it seems to be par for the course these days. The Covid virus originated in China, where all the annual viruses start. It migrated from Europe, via Chinese factories in Italy. Trump did not cause the virus, he could not do anything significant to stop it. Biden won't have any more control over its course than Trump did. He will have the benefit of a number of competing vaccines that may have a positive effect. If gasoline is affordable and there are readily available jobs everywhere, I don't care what the President does in his bedroom. And that particular story sounds like a major league hoax. Trump is a notorious germaphobe. Look it up. He won't shake hands with people. Biden is beholden to the Green Agenda, which offers only higher prices and less mobility, by design. Cancelling Keystone is an integral part of that. I remember the gas lines and the $4 a gallon fill ups. The economy ground to a halt. Biden announced an end to deportations and is inviting the rest of the world to come here. If walls and fences are such a bad idea, why is the DC crowd surrounding itself with new-built walls and fences, manned by thousands of soldiers? I recall when AIR was a forum for discussing parody ideas and techniques and for recognizing an amusing turn of phrase. Comments of any sort have all but disappeared, and now all we get are shrill outburts of profanity and ad hominem attacks. Like freedom and fresh air, I'm afraid the good times here are gone for good.
Michael Pacholek - February 02, 2021 - Report this comment
Then get out. And leave America to people who love it.
Phil Alexander - February 03, 2021 - Report this comment
Patrick, there was so much factually wrong with that, it's hard to know where to start (e.g. check where the 2009 swine flu pandemic started). It would be nice if people checked their ignorance before spewing over the internet.
Patrick - February 03, 2021 - Report this comment
Define "American". No other country lets just anyone in. You have to know the language and be committed to the culture. And be able to support yourself. My part of America is doing fairly well, local government corruption excepted. I don't want what Biden's handlers will do. I just watched a TV show set in the 1930's. A young woman was dreaming of leaving her small town and moving to New York City. A lot of people share that dream, because a lot of people are there already. I see NYC as a place where I couldn't own a car, couldn't own a gun, and would have to put up with a lot of aggrevations that don't exist or can be avoided in Kansas City. No one in KC wants to make rules for NYC. NYC, however, wants to set the rules for Kansas City. The only peaceful resolution is what I call Secession Without Slavery. Democracy is only a tool. Not always the best one. "Separate But Equal" schools and lynch mobs are forms of democracy. The Democrats are wanting to let people print their own ballots at home. Anyone with any brains can tell what the result of that is going to be. That's the plan.
Libby - February 05, 2021 - Report this comment
Insane. ^^

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