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Song Parodies -> "Cold Broth Blues"

Original Song Title:

"Goldwatch Blues"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Cold Broth Blues"

Parody Written by:

Donna VanLeitch

The Lyrics

Donna vs Teddy: The Musical
Act IIb Scene 3
Donna takes Teddy's last offering the wrong way, and she brings up his inability to support them
You went out for some interviews, and you barely said good-bye
Impersonal men rejected you at ev'ry place applied
Made me feel forlorn while you stopped off for cheer
Your spouse was scrubbin' up the toilet bowl while you were chuggin' beer

Here's your cold broth and an apple that I saved
And the heap of statements with dates due left arranged
Gratitude, there's none, our taxes in arrears
This husband of mine is the rotten kind, a jerk who ditched career

I gasped at how many jobs went unexplored
Not merely just in arts and crafts, but in plants galore
The jobless rate is lower than most of modern times
My lowly mate's requests for work are still denied

Here's your old scotch and some spackle for your brain
And the ev'ning paper with job ads kept in vain
You're a useless bum, our life is too austere
I'm thinkin' the grime on my top's a sign, my skirts are getting drear

I look right outside to where the hailstones slam and grind
Wonder where our marriage went, our sick home's in decline
And if you're hoping to earn my trust and wish to get relief
Then when you're rovin' the aisles, please do get sirloin beef---steak

Here's a bold thought, as I'm baffled and complain
Why not see an agent before what's left is drained
Our diluted funds are soon t' disappear
I'm wishin' you'd find a good job in time t' curb my gripping fears

It's boring to observe your gray drink-spattered beard
And I'm not amused that we've survived the years
I did not want some slob who can't perform
I just wanted a faithful groom who'd keep us snug and warm

Here's to goals tossed as ya amble forth in shame
And to peevish failure to pay off debts so lame
Have t' use a thumb to get from there t' here
Must get in the line where the rotters whine and yearn for sips of beer

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 13

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   13

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