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Song Parodies -> "Abe's Odyssey"

Original Song Title:

"Space Oddity"

Original Performer:

David Bowie

Parody Song Title:

"Abe's Odyssey"

Parody Written by:


The Lyrics

Classic PlayStation game, now set to classic music!
His name's Abe, Mudo-okon schmuck
Works all day, which ki-inda sucks
But he is a slave, he can't complain that mu-uch (meh)
RuptureFarms is whe-ere he's stuck (with the other slaves)
They make meat products, wi-ith a rub (one slight hitch, true)
Seems that genocide drains resources for good (so, what then?)

They decide to ma-ake Mudokon Pops
Resell their butchered sla-a-a-aves
Doesn't seem smart in the long run, but who ca-a-ares?
It starts the plot for this classic game, so the-e-ere
So Abe needs to ge-et right outta Dodge
Traverse the fact'ry floo-oo-oo-oors
But he can't just leave alone, there's way more to this ga-a-ame
There's a whole lot of Mudokon slaves to sa-a-a-ave

Well, this game's half-stealth and half-platformer
Mood is rather grim
But if it suits you, press a button and Abe toots

It was hard enough to get outsi-i-ide
With the patrolling Sli-i-i-igs
Abe learns from Big Face that back there, he must go-o
To restore the ruined land's natural flo-o-o-ow

Message here is very strong
That overfarming's very wrong
And if they stick with their plot
Possess them and blow them up
It makes sense, but not by much

I know there's more games in this franchise, but that's
For another time
I'll just continue making Abe and his friends toot

To be fair, I've only played Munch's Odyssey (the third game) because I never had a Playstation, but how I could not go with that title sub?

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Pacing: 5.0
How Funny: 5.0
Overall Rating: 5.0

Total Votes: 4

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    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   0
 2   0
 3   0
 4   0
 5   4

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