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Song Parodies -> "Mr. Hankey"

Original Song Title:

"Dr. Robert"

Original Performer:


Parody Song Title:

"Mr. Hankey"

Parody Written by:

Tim Hall

The Lyrics

He is not just a Christmas poo, Mr. Hankey,
He is coming out of you every day Mr. Hankey.

Mr. Hankey, you're a role model to Kyle,
He hopes you will stay a while,
He makes everything so cool, Mr. Hankey.

Eat some prunes he'll come out quick Mr. Hankey,
Take a drink of Metamucil Mr. Hankey

Mr. Hankey, he's the one the kids behold,
Helping the South Park kids mold,
No one inspires like Mr. Hankey

The insides are feeling fine
The insides are making Mr. Hankey

The chef fed him chocolate salty balls Mr. Hankey,
And those balls brought him back to life Mr. Hankey

Mr. Hankey, you're a role model to Kyle,
He hopes you will stay a while,
He does everything so cool Mr. Hankey

The insides are feeling fine
The insides are making Mr. Hankey

He is not just a Christmas poo, Mr. Hankey
He is not just a Christmas poo, Mr. Hankey
Mr. Hankey!

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