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Song Parodies -> "Who Let the Bums"

Original Song Title:

"Who Put the Bomp"

Original Performer:

Barry Mann

Parody Song Title:

"Who Let the Bums"

Parody Written by:

Michael Pacholek

The Lyrics

For Mr. S.P. Did you hear neither the Punxsatawney nor the Staten Island groundhog saw his shadow? And the White House admitted that a study showing a 90 percent certainty of global warming was "significant"? Well, this isn't about that. I just wanted to show how your recent parody was wrong on that topic, too. At least you're consistent.
I'd like to blame the guy
who wrote the wrongs
that made my country fall apart on me!

Who let the bums
in Enron run on and on?
Who let the shams
just a-slam-a-slam-a towers?
Who put the flop
in Iraq and rocked and shocked?
Who was the dip
who let New Orleans drip-drip?

Who was that man?
He must talk to the hand!
He made my country fall apart on me!

When the voting count
bummed and a-bombed by bum-ba-bum-ba-bums
broke democracy and broke my heart!
And nine-eleven came
he let those guys just a-slam-a-slam-a towers
we knew he couldn't play this part!


Who let the bums
in Enron run on and on?
Who let the shams
just a-slam-a-slam-a towers?
Who put the flop
in Iraq and rocked and shocked?
Who was the dip
who let New Orleans drip-drip?

Who was that man?
He must talk to the hand!
He made my country fall apart on me!

Each time on TV
smells like stepped in something and it's stuck there on his shoe
proves he don't know where our land should go.
And let New Orleans drown.
Stick-a-dip-di-dip, dip-di-dip-dipstick!
I'll always say he screwed up so!

Who let the bums
in Enron run on and on?
Who let the shams
just a-slam-a-slam-a towers?
Who put the flop
in Iraq and rocked and shocked?
Who was the dip
who let New Orleans drip-drip?

Who was that cat?
He ain't no Democrat!
He made my country fall apart on me!

you are the bum
who let Enron run run on.
And Georgie,
you're the guy who let 'em
And when you let
New Orleans
we shoulda kicked you
with the steel toes
of our

(vocal group fadeout)
That's right: It wasn't Bill Clinton, or Hillary Clinton, or Al Gore, or John Kerry, or any other Democrat, liberal or otherwise. All this harm came to our country on the watch of George W. Bush. The Worst President Ever! Yes, Mr. Pierce, you have something to say? And you, Mr. Buchanan? And Mr. Harding? Not now, Mr. Nixon, I'm busy.

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Voting Results

Pacing: 2.2
How Funny: 1.9
Overall Rating: 1.9

Total Votes: 21

Voting Breakdown

The following represent how many people voted for each category.

    Pacing How Funny Overall Rating
 1   12
 2   3
 3   1
 4   0
 5   5

User Comments

Comments are subject to review, and can be removed by the administration of the site at any time and for any reason.

Tommy Turtle - February 03, 2007 - Report this comment
Ummm.... although Dubya is no friend of mine, Enron's machinations actually started during the Cl***on administration; Dubya was inaugurated 20 January 2001, and the Enron scandal broke a little later the same year; DOJ started prosecuting January 2002.... but not gonna let the facts stand in the way of Five-ing great lines like "bums in Enron run on and on" and "bummed and a-bombed by bum-ba-bum-ba-bums". Great twist on a tough OS. 555
John Jenkins - February 03, 2007 - Report this comment
I would appreciate your clever word play ("Enron run on and on" and other catchy lines), if they were more accurate. Like TT, I am not sure how President Bush gets the blame for Enron, unless you are somehow blaming Governor Bush. Please don’t tell me that contributions from Kenneth Lay and Enron made Republicans look the other way, because their donations to Democrats were almost as large. Yes, what happened to the shareholders of Enron was a crime, but the perpetrators, Arthur Andersen, and the management of Enron (particularly Jeffrey Skilling) are being appropriately punished. Arthur Andersen was found guilty of obstruction of justice and is no longer functioning as a CPA firm. Kenneth Lay’s death has complicated the judicial process, but Jeffrey Skilling was found guilty and $45 million of his ill-gotten wealth are now in an escrow account to be distributed to Enron shareholders pending his appeals.
Full-Bucking Shit - February 04, 2007 - Report this comment
YOU let the bums in, moonbats: William Jefferson the grafter and Jack Murtha the unindicted grafter, Alcee Hastings the indicted, impeached, and formerly deposed judge, and Harry Reid the free-ride specialist. You expected the party of LBJ the wiretapper, Clinton the perjurer, and Carter the Islamonazi to clean out the corruption? Ha! Corruption is the very foundation of the Donks. They live by it and die by it. Clinton is the worst President we have ever had since Carter, and Carter is only worse than Clinton because Carter lacks the good sense to shut up and merely be thought a bigot and a fool rather than open his anti-semitic piehole and remove all doubt.
alvin rhodes - February 05, 2007 - Report this comment
well, it wasn't me...nice job on a tough song
Michael Pacholek - February 07, 2007 - Report this comment
Thank you, Alvin. Now... John, Enron's contributions ran 6 to 1 in the GOP's favor, not "almost as large." As for F.B.S... The guys you call "bums" left this country better off than it's ever been, with no help from the other party. Clinton was found NOT GUILTY BY MAJORITY VOTE. Alcee Hastings, believe it or not, was acquitted in court. John Murtha, a true American hero, was never charged at all. Calling Carter a "Nazi" is just plain ignorant. You haven't read his book about the Palestinian problem (neither have I, instead I watched him explain it on C-SPAN), so, in the words of another guy you probably think is an anti-Semitic bum, Bob Dylan, "Don't criticize what you can't understand."
John Jenkins - February 08, 2007 - Report this comment
Not to be picky, but Enron's political contribution ratio was much closer to 2 to 1. Yes, Republicans got more, but Democrats still got $2 million. The solution to the problem of companies trying to buy political influence is not to ban political contributions, but to downsize the scope of government, so that companies have less legislation and fewer bureaucracies to try to influence.

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